
Natural formulas to cover white hair

We recommend that you follow these suggestions to cover your white hair naturally…



Required materials:

200 g flaxseed


4 medium lemons


3 small cloves of garlic


1 kg honey



Put the garlic and all the lemons in a blender and blend. Remember that you only need to peel 2 of the lemons before putting them in the blender. Then add the flax seeds and honey, blend again. Put the mixture in a glass jar, close the lid tightly. Store in the refrigerator.




Consume 1 tablespoon of the mixture half an hour before meals. Use only a wooden spoon! The ideal is to take the mixture three times a day.


Boil 6 crushed green walnuts, 3 red onion peels, 1 pinch bay leaf, 1 red apple peel, 1 tablespoon black tea and 1 teaspoon clove in 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes and brew like tea. Apply this mixture, which you should prepare every 3 days, to your hair roots every day. This mixture nourishes your hair and darkens its color. It is not suitable for blonde hair.



Use the power of walnuts to cover your gray hair!

Herbal hair dye recipe …



My hair turns gray very quickly. I have to dye it almost every 15 days. Frequent dyeing not only damages my hair but also puts a financial strain on me. Do you have a herbal dye recipe?





Boil 6 crushed walnuts in 750 grams of water for 10 minutes. After it is brewed, strain it and add four tablespoons of henna, two tablespoons of coffee, and four tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mixture to the roots of your hair and spread it to the ends. Then stick walnut leaves to your hair and wrap your head with a stretch film and tie a cheesecloth. Stay like this until morning. Wash your hair with shampoo when you wake up in the morning. This herbal formula will solve your problem without damaging your hair.



Bay leaf to cover white hair

I am 40 years old. I have never dyed my hair before. However, now I have started to get gray hair. Can I cover my gray hair with a herbal formula?



Use the power of walnuts to cover your gray hair!

Herbal hair dye recipe …



My hair turns gray very quickly. I have to dye it almost every 15 days. Frequent dyeing not only damages my hair but also puts a financial strain on me. Do you have a herbal dye recipe?






Bay leaf to cover white hair

I am 40 years old. I have never dyed my hair before. However, now I have started to get gray hair. Can I cover my gray hair with a herbal formula?





Suna Dumankaya’s answer:

Boil two tablespoons of tea, two onion peels and three bay leaves in two liters of water. After brewing and straining, apply this mixture to your hair roots. If you apply this formula every day, your hair roots will be dark brown. Renew the mixture every five days. Store in a cool place when not in use.


Cover your hair roots with mascara

You don’t have to dye your hair just because the roots have grown back a bit and white strands are showing. Your mascara will help you more than you think!



Even women whose hair grows slowly complain about the white hairs that appear at the roots of their hair in two weeks. “My roots are back again!” “How can you dye your hair every fifteen days?” are the most common complaints made by women who dye or have their hair dyed to cover their white hair. Those who do not want to dye their hair every two or three weeks try to hide their white hair roots by wearing a bandana until the next dyeing. In such a case, it is not possible to get a blow-dry or choose a hairstyle at the hairdresser.



However, there is a way to hide your white roots without dying your hair every two or three weeks and without wearing a bandana: Cover the visible whites with black mascara. You can take your mascara out of your bag and immediately treat the white strands. You can also easily use your old, almost dry mascaras that you have lying around for this purpose. The trick is to use your mascara that is waterproof. This way, even if you sweat, the whites at the roots of your hair will remain hidden.

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