
My experience with rose water diet to blow up fat

My experience with rose water diet to blow up fat

It is important for me to share my experience with the rose water  diet with everyone who wants to lose excess weight quickly and to blow up the fat that accumulates in the abdomen, buttocks, and even the arms. I know that this water contains a lot of nutritious ingredients and properties that can help maintain a healthy weight. That is why I decided to learn some healthy recipes that contain it and other natural ingredients that help restore fitness in a short period of time. These are the details of my experience with the rose water diet to blow up difficult fats. 

Dieting benefits 

Before starting my experiment with the rose water diet to blow up difficult fats, I decided to look at its many benefits. This is what I knew. 
– Helps to get rid of fat that accumulates in different areas of the body. 
The body gets rid of the fluids trapped in it by enhancing the diuresis process. 
– Promotes blood circulation, which means that it facilitates the supply of all body organs, as well as the skin, with the oxygen necessary for its functions and health. 


– Eating it limits the incidence of frequent annoying constipation because it works to regulate the work of the digestive system and to facilitate the process of intestinal passage. 
Provides the body with vitamins and moisture it needs for the proper functioning of its vital functions. 
This water contains very beneficial and essential flavonoids for the body. 
It is an important source of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant that rids the body of toxins and harmful residues. 
Eating its recipes helps to feel full, especially in the periods between meals. This means that it speeds up the process of losing excess weight.  

best recipes 

In order to be able to successfully apply the rose water diet, I made sure to learn to prepare some useful recipes. I have to share it with everyone, knowing that it is very easy.  

 Rose water and vinegar 


A tablespoon of rose water 
A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 
A cup of water 


1 Add rose water to the water. 
2 Add apple cider vinegar and mix the ingredients well until they turn into a homogeneous mixture. 
She made sure to drink two cups of the drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, daily, and in the evening, before bed. In parallel, I ate 3 healthy basic meals free of harmful fats.   

Rose water and lemon 


3 tablespoons of rose water 1 
tablespoon of lemon juice 
1 Add rose water to a cup of drinking water. 
2 Then add lemon juice and mix the ingredients well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. I committed to drinking 3 cups of this drink 30 minutes before each meal, while adopting a healthy lifestyle program.  


Rose water tea 


A cup of rose petals,
3 cups of water 
hanging from the middle of natural honey 

 The way 

1 Wash the petals well in order to rid them of dust and pesticide residues. 
2 Put the petals with water on the fire until boiling. Then leave the mixture on low heat for 5 minutes. 
3 Remove the mixture from the heat and drain the water. 
I have benefited greatly from drinking this tea. It contains a lot of benefits. 
– Helps reduce the incidence of digestive disorders. 



It contains a high percentage of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant, meaning that it rids the body of toxins and harmful residues. 
Fights stress and depression. 
Contributes to improving liver function and insulin resistance. 
It protects heart health. That is why I did not hesitate to drink this tea sometimes, once a day, because this is a basic rule of my experience with the rose water diet

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