Kids story

My close friend

My close friend:


There were two friends walking in the desert. While they were walking and talking, the two friends quarreled about something, so one of them slapped the other.


The friend who was slapped was greatly hurt, but did not say anything, but bent down and wrote in the sand:


“Today my best friend slapped me.”


The two friends continued on their way until they found an oasis, so they decided to take a bath and rest to rejuvenate. While they were walking towards the oasis, the friend stumbled, who was slapped in the quicksand and almost drowned, but his friend saved him and pulled him out of the mud. After the friend survived the imminent drowning, he bent down and engraved on a rock:


“Today my best friend saved my life.”


The friend who rescued and slapped him asked him: “After I hurt you, I wrote in the sand, and now when I helped you, I wrote on the stone. Why?”


His friend replied:


“When someone hurts us, we should write it in the sand so that the winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But when someone does something good for us, we should engrave it in stone so that the winds can’t erase it away.”

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