
Means that prevent dry skin

Means that prevent dry skin

By following a simple and inexpensive care routine The skin can be spared from many diseases, including the dryness it is exposed to during the spring and summer seasons.


Daily hydration

Be careful in your choices of moisturizing creams to ensure that they are suitable for your skin type


Treat each area of ​​your face according to what it needs if it is mixed.


Apply a little natural oil every evening


To enhance its hydration levels, such as coconut or almond oil, and wake up every morning with fresh and smooth skin.


Avoid using soap

Experts do not recommend using soap on the skin to prevent the problem of dryness from worsening


You must choose a gentle, gel-based wash that is appropriate for its type, and does not strip it of its natural oils as soap does.


Also, you should not use hot water because it contributes to its dryness to a large extent. Instead, use lukewarm and then cold water.


As for drying the skin, it must be done by patting, not wiping.


Fresh food

Eat more vegetables and salads of all kinds


Fruits rich in water help keep the body hydrated from the inside, which reflects on the skin


Of course, while making sure to drink plenty of water.


Avoid sunlight

Keep your skin away from the dangers of the sun, which contribute to dry skin and aging


This is done by applying a sunscreen of no less than SPF 35 every morning before leaving the house.


Natural masks

Only 10 minutes are enough to prepare masks that are beneficial to the skin, such as cucumber slices that reduce puffiness around the eyes


Ice cubes to refresh the cells, fresh tomatoes, honey or yogurt to soften and nourish them.

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