
Matcha tea has 4 amazing benefits, including improving brain function

Matcha tea has 4 amazing benefits, including improving brain function

Matcha tea is good for your health as it is rich in antioxidants. The popularity of matcha has skyrocketed, like the popularity of green tea. Matcha contains nutrients from well-established tea leaves. Which results in more caffeine and antioxidants found in green tea . Matcha also comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. However, it is grown differently and has a unique nutrient profile. Farmers grow matcha by covering the tea plants 20-30 days before harvest to avoid direct sunlight. This increases chlorophyll production, enhances the amino acid content and gives the plant a darker green colour. Once the tea leaves are harvested, the stems and veins are removed and the leaves are ground into a fine powder known as matcha.

Matcha tea benefits:

Studies of matcha and its components have discovered a variety of benefits. This indicates that there are many benefits of matcha tea. Such as helping to protect the liver, promoting heart health, and aiding weight loss.

1Rich in antioxidants:

Matcha is a class of plant compounds that act as natural antioxidants. Antioxidants help stabilize harmful radicals, which can damage cells and cause chronic disease.

You can add matcha powder to hot water to make tea. This great tea contains all the nutrients. You will get more antioxidants from just steeping matcha tea leaves in water. The number of antioxidants in matcha is up to 137 times greater than that of other types of green tea.

Additionally, one study showed that giving rats matcha supplements reduced damage from free radicals and enhanced the activity of antioxidants, which may help prevent cell damage. It also reduces the risk of many chronic crises

2Protects the liver:

 The liver is vital to health and plays a central role in flushing out toxins, metabolizing drugs, and processing nutrients. Some studies have found that matcha may help protect liver health  , and some studies have been conducted in diabetic rats. She was given matcha for 16 weeks. The result of studies was that matcha helped prevent damage to both the kidneys and liver.

Another study in 80 people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease took 500 mg of matcha tea extract daily for 90 days. The result was after 12 weeks. The levels of liver enzymes are significantly reduced, and elevated levels of these enzymes are a sign of liver damage.

Some studies have also shown that matcha can prevent liver damage and reduce the risk of liver disease. However, additional studies are needed to look at the effects on humans in the general population.

3Matcha tea enhances brain function:

  Some research has shown that several components in matcha can help boost brain function. One study of 23 people looked at how people performed a series of tasks designed to measure brain performance.

Some participants consumed a cup of tea containing 4 grams of matcha, while the other group consumed regular tea. The researchers found that matcha improved attention, reaction time and memory, compared to other teas.

Another small study showed that consuming 2 grams of matcha green tea powder daily for two months helped improve brain function in older adults. Plus, it has more caffeine than green tea, packing 35 mg of caffeine per half teaspoon (about 1 gram) of matcha powder.

Matcha also contains a compound called L-theanine, which alters the effects of caffeine. It also stimulates alertness and helps avoid the crash in energy levels that can follow caffeine consumption. Additionally, L-theanine has been shown to increase alpha wave activity in the brain, which may help increase relaxation and reduce stress levels.


4Anti-cancer benefits of matcha tea: 

Some animal studies have shown that matcha tea kills prostate cancer cells It is also effective against skin, lung and liver cancer, as well as reducing the size of the tumor and delaying the growth of breast cancer cells .

Keep in mind that these patterns are test tube and animal studies looking at specific compounds found in matcha. More research is needed to determine how these results translate to humans.

How to choose the original matcha tea:

Make sure that Matcha is from Japan, from Nishio City in Aichi Prefecture or Oji City in Kyoto Prefecture. Look for the USDA Certified Organic logo on the label. It’s very important to buy high-quality organic matcha, a 30-gram can and $26-$32, anything cheaper is usually in the lower quality range.

Matcha tea benefits

Make sure the tea is bright green, a green that looks yellow means it’s inferior quality matcha. That’s where the vibrant green color comes from the chlorophyll of the leaves.

Matcha Sugar Scrub Recipe:

You can use matcha green tea extract with granulated sugar to make a natural scrub to get the multiple health benefits of matcha green tea. You can also add a little of your favorite essential oil, essential oils are always optional but take your scrub to another level.

How to use matcha tea for weight loss

How to use a sugar scrub with matcha tea:

In a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon of green matcha, ½ cup of organic unrefined coconut oil, ¼ cup of organic safflower oil, then add ½ cup of organic refined sugar, and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. . Then, stir well, sit in your bathtub, and rub this scrub on your body in circular motions, then rinse thoroughly with warm water, being careful not to slip as the oil can make your tub slippery.

Instructions to be observed:

Pour these ingredients into pretty jars. You can keep this scrub for a few months because there is no water involved. It is best to keep it in the refrigerator so that the sugar does not dissolve with the oils, and always use a clean spoon so that you do not contaminate it


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