
How to treat gum disease at home

How to treat gum disease at home

The treatment of gum disease through home remedies has become available and possible, as many gum diseases, such as gum infections and other diseases, can be treated at home, which helps to maintain the integrity of your mouth and also spreads awareness about the importance and how to treat oral and dental diseases




Redness, inflammation, and swelling of the gums are considered very serious diseases, and if left untreated, they may lead to other, more serious health problems. Therefore, educate yourself. It will provide you with the most important home remedies that you can do if you feel any pain in your gums, but if you feel that your gum problem is exacerbating, such as bleeding gums. For example, here it is necessary to visit the dentist.


The first method: home treatment of gums


1- Reducing stress: According to the studies of the International Dental Association, there is a relationship between stress and stress and human health, as stress affects the human immune system and makes it unable to resist the bacteria that cause gum disease, as some other studies conducted in three American universities have shown that Gum disease is affected by the quality of stress on a person, and they found that the most susceptible to gum disease are those who have money-related concerns.


2- Salt solution: Make a salt solution by putting a small amount of salt and dissolving it in a cup of warm water, gargle with it for 30 seconds, then spit it out and repeat it several times as the salt water will reduce swelling of the gums and treat them from infectious diseases, make this act a daily habit And permanent with brushing teeth.


3- Use tea bags: put one or two tea bags in boiling water, then take it out of the water and leave it until it cools down, then place it on the affected area of ​​the gums for five minutes, as the tannic acid present in the tea will work effectively to reduce the infection of the gums.


– As the application of tea bags directly to the gums has a greater effect on the gums than drinking tea, as excessive drinking of tea has a harmful effect because it changes the color of the teeth.




4- Use honey: As honey has anti-parasitic properties and is considered a natural antiseptic, therefore it is used in the treatment of infected gums. After you brush your teeth, put some honey on the place where your gums are infected.


Because honey contains a large amount of sugar, be careful to put it on your gums only, away from your teeth.


5- Drink cranberry juice: As cranberries prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth, so be sure to drink a glass or two of unsweetened cranberry juice daily.


6- Lemon paste: Make a paste of lemon juice and some salt, mix the mixture well, then put it on your teeth, leave it for a few minutes, then rinse your mouth with warm water.


Treating gum disease with lemon is very useful, as it is first: anti-inflammatory, which makes it useful in treating diseased gums. Not only that, lemon also contains vitamin C, which helps the gums fight infection.




7- More than eating foods containing vitamin C: In addition to lemon, there are many foods containing vitamin C such as oranges, grapes, mangoes, kiwi and strawberries, as vitamin C contains antioxidants, which stimulates the growth of connective tissue and bone building, which may be affected by gum disease. .


8- More than taking vitamin D: Vitamin D is anti-inflammatory, so make sure that your diet contains an adequate amount of vitamin D if you are treating your gums for infections and want to prevent a recurrence of the condition, and this vitamin is also very important for the elderly, as studies have shown And scientific research shows that a high level of vitamin D in the blood at the age of fifty or older reduces the risk of gum disease


You can get vitamin D by exposure to sunlight from 15-20 minutes a day. You can also get vitamin D from eating foods rich in it, such as salmon, eggs, and cod liver oil.


9- Brush your teeth with baking soda: As baking soda neutralizes the acids in your teeth, which reduces the chances of tooth decay and gum disease, so using it is considered a preventive measure for the gums and teeth. Take a small amount of baking soda and put it in warm water, make a paste, then put it on the toothbrush and brush with it. your teeth.


10- Quitting smoking: as tobacco reduces your ability to fight infection and delays recovery, and it has been proven that smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop serious gum disease that does not respond later to treatment and leads to tooth loss.





The second method: using some remedies from the pharmacy


1- Use treatment that contains beneficial bacteria: as there is a healthy beneficial type of bacteria that lives in the intestines and can be used in the treatment of gum disease, as these bacteria work to restore the balance of the mouth after using anti-parasitic and sticky substances to treat various gum diseases.


2- Using coenzyme Q10: which is known as ubiquinone, which is a vitamin-like substance that helps the body convert sugars and fats into energy. Studies have indicated that taking this coenzyme by mouth or applying it to the skin or gums helps treat gingivitis.


3- Use Eustrine mouthwash: as Eustrin is more effective than any other mouthwash due to its ability to reduce and treat gum irritations, it is advised to gargle the mouth with it for 30 seconds twice a day, and not more than that, because the essential oils present in this mouthwash can cause a burning sensation. In the mouth, but after getting used to using it, the burning sensation will fade after a few days of using it.




4- Use the spray: Try to use a spray containing chlorhexidine, as it has strong antibacterial properties, and make it a basic procedure with brushing your teeth. Some experiments were conducted on an elderly woman and it was found that using a solution containing chlorhexidine reduces the risk of gum infections.


5- Use Gingel: It is a treatment that contains hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance found in the connective tissues of the body. Research has shown that this acid has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, and therefore it has an effective effect in treating inflammatory diseases of the gums. When Gingel is used on the gums, it is It helps build healthy new tissues, and through some experiments conducted at the University of Rostock in Germany, it was found that this acid can promote tissue healing by up to half, increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.


Use toothpaste containing tea tree oil: As tea tree oil is a powerful antibacterial, your gums are highly susceptible to bacterial infection, so using toothpaste containing tea tree oil has a strong effect in getting rid of bacteria and protecting your gums from infection.




You can also put drops of tea oil on your regular toothpaste when brushing your gums and teeth, and be careful not to swallow tea oil because it may cause stomach irritation.

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