
How to get rid of redness of pimples

How to get rid of redness of pimples

Everyone develops blisters that can cause irritation. The redness of pimples is an inflammatory response that helps tissues regenerate and is part of the healing process. Fortunately, there are home methods that can reduce or mask the inflammatory redness of the skin.


 home remedies

Step 1:
Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean cloth and place them directly on the acne, making sure not to press too hard because too much pressure can cause the pimple to break apart causing further redness and the spread of bacteria.

  • Cold temperatures slow down blood circulation and reduce swelling and redness in the affected tissues.
    Many athletes use cold treatments (such as local ice and ice baths) to treat inflammation caused by injuries during sports.

Step 2:
Using eye drops containing tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride helps to get rid of redness. Put a small amount of eye drops on a cotton pad and gently place it on the pimple.
It is preferable to freeze the cotton ball containing the drops before placing it on the pimples because the cold reduces inflammation, and tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride in eye drops helps reduce redness.
Avoid rubbing the whole face because it causes more redness, and only rub the affected areas, and do not use this technique too often because it can give a negative effect.

Step 3:
Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which is one of the main ingredients in many topical ointments that are used to treat acne because it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Crush aspirin pills with a little water to form a paste and put it on the inflamed area and leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse the face with lukewarm water.

Step 4:

  • Toothpaste contains silica, which helps dry out pimples.
  • Cover the pimples with a thin layer of toothpaste before bed, leave it to dry, leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning.
  • Avoid using toothpaste that contains menthol or fluoride because these ingredients increase irritation and redness.

Step 5:
Lemon juice contains citric acid that helps fight acne bacteria, and studies show that citric acid is a natural skin-lightening ingredient, which can help reduce redness.
Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and place it directly on the pimple at night.
Avoid exposure to the sun after applying lemon juice to the skin, because lemon juice causes dryness of the skin and makes it more susceptible to sun damage.
Use lemon juice only at night, and wash it off in the morning.
Lemon juice may interfere with some acne medications, and caution should be exercised in its use.

Step 6:
Using hot compresses on acne helps open pores and cleanse the skin of oils, dirt and dead skin.
Soak a towel in hot water so that the temperature of the skin can bear it and put it on the acne for 30-60 seconds.
Rubbing the face with a hot towel helps remove oils and bacteria from the skin that cause redness of pimples.

Step 7:
Go to the pharmacy and get a product that reduces redness and put it on pimples.

Step 8:
Use concealer while applying makeup.

Part 2 of 2: General Practices:

Step 1:
Wash the face once in the morning and once at night, and always moisturize the face after washing by using topical creams.
Do not rub the face hard or use a rough surface such as a loofah.
If you have used over-the-counter and home remedies for two months and don’t see any real improvement, see a dermatologist.

Step 2:
Drink plenty of water. Many doctors recommend drinking at least 3 liters (13 cups) of water per day for men and 2.2 liters (9 cups) of water per day for women.
Drinking more water helps the kidneys and liver remove toxins more efficiently and effectively, and drinking water also helps the colon work better.

Step 3:
Get all the vitamins. Studies show that some vitamins can help fight infections and improve skin health. There are three vitamins that fight acne in general and redness in particular:
1. Vitamin A: There is a link between vitamin A deficiency. In the body and infection in the intestines, lungs and skin. Because vitamin A is an antioxidant, meaning that it helps reduce free radicals that accelerate signs of aging, foods rich in vitamin A: liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, pumpkin, apricots and cantaloupe.
2. Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 dissolves in water and it is preferable to get it from foods rich in vitamin B6 instead of supplements, and foods rich in vitamin B6: beef, turkey, nuts, seeds, legumes and fish.
3. Vitamin C:Vitamin C has a key role in the production of collagen and is the basic building block of the skin, and vitamin C protects the body from harmful substances that contribute to disease, and foods rich in vitamin C: chili peppers, guava, citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), turnip, broccoli, kiwi, And the strawberry.

Step 4:
Exfoliation means using a scrub or mask to get rid of the layers of dead skin that accumulate over the course of the day or several days. Exfoliating the skin once a week makes the skin brighter, healthier, and cleaner.

Step 5:
Exercising or even walking 20 minutes a day and using the stairs instead of the elevator, helps reduce stress levels, which improves skin health.

Tips :

  • Rinse the face with hot water to open the pores, then use soap with cold water to close the pores.
  • Avoid the appearance of pimples as much as possible.
  • Use an oil-free sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher every day.
  • Change the type of soap every few months because the skin can get used to the soap.
  • Visit a dermatologist who can prescribe medication for you if the problem persists.
  • You should wash your face daily and not only when you have pimples.
  • If the pimples are prominent, do not touch them, and put a cloth soaked in hot water for a few minutes on the pimples until the redness and irritation subside a little.
  • Before using steam, be sure to remove any dirt and dead skin that could cause more blisters.

Emptying pimples may lead to scars

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