
How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles are one of the most annoying problems for girls and women.. Here are some suggested solutions to get rid of them and reduce their appearance


Among the main reasons for the appearance of dark circles, insomnia and lack of sleep hours, smoking and poor nutrition, and in order to get rid of them, their causes must be addressed, through:


1- Get an adequate amount of sleep, sleep early and stay away from staying up late

2- Eat plenty of water and fluids

3- Avoid direct exposure to sunlight for long periods of time. Protect from sunlight by wearing sunglasses


Putting on sunscreen while going out in the morning

4- Clean the faces well and remove makeup, especially eye makeup, before bed

5- Paying attention to eating a healthy food that is balanced in its nutrients, especially that it is rich in iron.

6- Excessive intake of foods that contain vitamin B2, which are available in eggs, fish, spinach and dairy products.

7- Reducing the consumption of stimulants such as coffee or tea

8- Not staying for long hours in front of the TV and computer


You can also follow some of the following tips to get rid of dark circles:

1- Warm tea compresses in the morning for 10 minutes, followed by cold tea compresses for ten minutes

2- In the evening, compress the cucumber slices by closing the eye and placing the cucumber slices on the eye and the area around it while relaxing for a period of no less than 10 minutes.

3- Compresses of green mint juice: Dip a cotton ball in mint juice and place it on the eye with relaxation for at least 10 minutes, then wash it with warm water.

4- Cold water compresses from time to time

5- Honey mask: Mix a teaspoon of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey well, then put it as a mask under the eye for 15 minutes.

6- Rose water compresses: Put some drops of rose water on a piece of cotton and pass it around the eye several times


Some may resort to various eye cosmetics to hide it, which helps to show signs of premature aging in the eye area.

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