
How to benefit from vitamin D without leaving the house

How to benefit from vitamin D without leaving the house

Staying indoors for safety and luxury can be a respite for many, especially in this scorching heat, but what about the daily dose of sunlight and vitamin D one gets from direct sunlight.


Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients that the body needs, and its deficiency, according to the website “onlymyhealth”, can lead to various health concerns, and if you think that a lack of vitamin D can only lead to problems such as general fatigue, one must also understand some The facts about how multiple health websites and health experts confirm the increased need for vitamin D, as it helps the functioning of the body as a whole. Some of the risk factors for deficiency are:




People with very dark skin


People who stay most of the time indoors


People who live in cooler regions


Hence, did you know that if being outdoors is not possible, there are other ways as well, which can help us get our Vitamin D.



How to achieve vitamin D deficiency without going out in the sun




Diet and other precautions for vitamin D deficiency:


According to the needs of the body, one should take about 600 IU per day to combat the deficiency of Vitamin D, and if it is not inside, one must take the necessary measures to meet the deficiency in the body. Follow these steps:




1. Exposure to the sun for 30 minutes is essential, just sit on the balcony with your legs exposed in the sun.




2. Eat more seafood and dairy products in your diet: As seafood is mainly with fatty acid content, which is necessary for vitamin D deficiency, you should also add eggs, mushrooms, and grains, then take cod liver oil tablets but only After 3. Check with a doctor about the correct dosage.


4. Milk substitutes such as soy milk and almond milk can also help fill in the deficiency.


5. Vitamin D supplementation for those who show severe deficiency. But dosage only after consulting a health expert.



Vitamin D deficiency risks


Getting sick easily


Vitamin D maintains a strong immunity, which enables the system to keep viral and bacterial infections at bay. A lack of Vitamin D makes a person more susceptible to cold, flu, and respiratory infections such as pneumonia.





Low blood levels can lead to fatigue, and a lack of vitamin D in blood levels can directly lead to chronic fatigue. The lack of energy can be directly proportional to the levels of vitamin D in the body.




A chronic condition in women, vitamin D deficiency is more common in women, which causes bones to deteriorate faster. Thus, a lack of vitamin D in the body increases the risk of fractures.

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