
How Many Meals Should We Eat per Day for Our Health?

How Many Meals Should We Eat per Day for Our Health?

In the modern lifestyle, people eat three meals a day. In this lifestyle, breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Employees take lunch breaks at work. In social life, dinner is of great importance. So is the 3-meal eating style that almost most people adapt to is healthy? Scientists give a rather interesting answer to the question of how often to eat.


It is more important, according to experts, not how often we eat, but when we should not. The intermittent fasting diet, in which meal time has been limited to eight hours in recent years, stands out. Emily Manoogian, from the Salk Institute for Biological Research, recommends that we rest our nervous system by not eating for at least 12 hours a day. Let’s take a closer look at the scientific studies on the subject.


Rozalyn Anderson, a professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, argues that intermittent fasting is compatible with the evolution of our bodies


According to him, when the rest period is given to the digestive system, the body is more ready for damage detection and repair. It also removes misfolded proteins. Incorrectly folded proteins, faulty versions of ordinary proteins. These proteins are associated with multiple diseases. When the body is given a break, the body stores food and takes energy to where it needs to be.


Antonio Paoli, professor at the University of Padova, intermittent fasting he says he can regulate the glycemic response



According to Paoli, the decrease in blood sugar leads to less fat storage in the body. Research also supports Paoli’s views. Eating dinner earlier and increasing hunger duration offset the glycemic response in the body.


Food historians state that whenever people found food before the emergence of refrigerators and grocery stores, they ate it


In many civilizations in history, including the ancient Romans, one meal a day was eaten. Does eating one meal a day make us hungry? David Levitsky of Cornell University states that hunger is often a psychological condition. Levitsky, who also eats one meal a day, says that the more food we have in front of us, the more we will eat. However, eating one meal a day is not recommended for diabetics.


Some experts say that at least 2 meals a day should be consumed to keep blood sugar levels low


However, they say that most of the calories should be taken early in the day. Because eating late at night increases the risk of many diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. But as soon as they wake up in the morning, they also underline that we should avoid eating. Because they emphasize that the digestive system needs rest.


To summarize; scientists argue that eating 2 – 3 meals a day is the healthiest


Apart from all these, they say that we should avoid eating too early or late and rest the body for a certain period of time. Charrington Harris states that we have been conditioned to eat three meals for centuries, but people’s view of food has changed. According to him, we now have a more sedentary lifestyle. That is why we need fewer calories. Harris thinks that in the long run, humanity will return to a heavy and light meal during the day. He argues that this change will depend on our working order.

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