How do we maintain our health?

Health is one of the most important things in life, so you should pay attention to many important things, the most important of which are the following:



• Pay attention to weight. If you are classified within one of the levels of obesity, you must take the appropriate decision to follow an appropriate diet that helps control weight and start losing weight to reach a normal weight.

• If you are one of the people who can be classified among those who suffer from underweight, they must also follow an appropriate diet that helps in gaining weight to reach a normal weight.



• Maintain personal hygiene, by showering several times during the week.

• Pay attention to the cleanliness of clothes.

• Nailing and cutting the nails as their length increases.

• Paying attention to the cleanliness of hair and teeth.

• Washing vegetables and fruits before using them in cooking, or while consuming them fresh.

• Pay attention to washing hands before eating any type of food.

• Paying attention to the cleanliness of the house on a permanent basis and removing dust and anything exposed to bacteria or known furniture pests.

• Using sterilized water for personal purposes, especially food and drink.

• Staying away from areas that are subject to air pollution more than others, such as the areas near factories.


Follow different prevention methods

• Take all the vaccinations, regardless of age, as they are among the simple and easy methods to reduce the risk of contracting many diseases, especially in children.



• Exercising to keep awake and to gain fitness and flexibility.

• Take advantage of house chores as an easy home sport.


proper diet

• Follow a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

• Drink sufficient amounts of water, or about eight glasses a day.

• Avoid eating some food items that can harm human health.

• Avoid eating sugars that are harmful to our health.

• Avoid eating items with a high percentage of fat content.

• Avoid fast food.


sleep and relax

• Take enough rest during the day as a nap.

• Sleeping regularly and trying to commit sufficient hours of sleep that are commensurate with age.



• Reducing stress and anxiety by avoiding situations that exacerbate their feelings.

• Avoiding things that generate feelings of depression.

• Reviving social relations by getting to know new friends, as well as communicating with relatives, childhood friends, and study.

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