
Foods that improve your mood and calm your nerves

Foods that improve your mood and calm your nerves

Some foods are linked to the mood of individuals and affect it, either negatively or positively. In this article, we will introduce you to foods that calm the nerves. There are foods that leave an impact on psychological comfort and treat emotional disorders. There are a number of hot and cold drinks that help calm and psychological serenity, and the majority of people feel… It improves their mood when eating chocolate. It also works to combat depression, regulate the heartbeat, and prevent feelings of tension because it contains sugar and caffeine.




There are well-known foods that have benefits for the human body in terms of permanent health and physical health, but there are foods that leave an impact on psychological comfort and treat emotional disorders, such as eggs, fish, milk, vegetables, and legumes. Also, the lack of these substances in the body leads to the appearance of depression, agitation, and increased sensitivity to stimuli. normal surrounding environment.




Research confirms that lettuce works to spread psychological calm and reassurance, while eating liver, rice, and wheat increases a person’s ability to tolerate pain, reduces his emotions, and causes him a state of relaxation and lethargy.




Depending on the food, there are also a number of hot and cold drinks that help calm and provide psychological clarity. For example, consuming cumin, hibiscus, anise, and mint drinks helps reduce anxiety. When consuming these drinks, it is recommended that they be boiled in their natural state, such as pills. Among the juices famous for their ability to calm the nerves and expel anxiety are: lemon, apple juice, raspberry, and tangerine.

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