
Fashion ideas for coordinating printed clothes

Fashion ideas for coordinating printed clothes

The method of coordinating printed clothes in fashion must be known correctly, and the method of adopting an entire model of printed clothes to display them in a way that is consistent with each other, and the added colors must be close to the basic grades of the model.




Tips for choosing fashionable printed clothes:




We focus heavily on adopting casual clothes primarily with each other and classic pieces together, and we are working on integrating these pieces together until we get a complete model of clothes printed in the correct manner for them. We also adopt printed clothes that contain different inscriptions in the same model, and all should be Their colors are consistent and close to each other correctly, and we can make a model of similar patterns with each other by adding on them the unified colors or different colors, depending on the model that we want to display in full.




How to coordinate printed clothes in fashion:




In the beginning, we coordinate clothes printed in one color only, while working on that all the colors added to them are consistent with each other. In this model, we coordinate all two pieces together from the pieces of clothes we have so that we get a consistent look when displaying them correctly, and we can add or change pieces When you wear it completely, this method adds a new model and gives a new and attractive shape, and we can coordinate a full model of bright colors with our printed clothes basically without having to change them.




We also coordinate pieces of printed clothes that are not similar with each other to get an elegant and harmonious shape with each other and we must focus mainly on the patterns and shapes that we add to the pieces of clothes to get an integrated shape with each other, where we can wear a printed skirt with inscriptions from Only one form with the Karo blazer, preferably the color of the skirt is purple, to give direct attention, and this method was adopted largely by most fashion designers as the basis in the world of fashion and fashion. When coordinating other pieces of printed clothing, we choose more than one color clearly



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