
Egg Mask to Get Rid of Acne Holes on the Face

Egg Mask to Get Rid of Acne Holes on the Face

Egg Mask to Get Rid of Acne Holes on the Face






1 Dessert of Yeast Yeast


1 Dessert of Lemon Juice


1 Egg White


1 Teaspoon of Honey


Preparation and application:


Combine all ingredients in a clean glass bowl and mix with a wooden spoon.


Apply the mixture to the areas of your face with acne holes.


Wait 25 minutes.


Wash your face with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a towel.




Apply this mask, which is effective against acne holes on the skin, regularly 1-2 times a week.


Do not forget to apply a moisturizer that you have used after making the mask.


The yeast mask also prevents the formation of wrinkles and allows you to have a more vibrant skin.

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