Don’t count calories, but be aware of them

Nowadays, there are numerous apps and digital tools designed to help people count calories. But is it really necessary to keep strict records if your goal is to lose weight?

In general, counting calories is not the most effective way to manage body weight. By focusing solely on numbers, you may miss the opportunity to listen to the hunger and satiety signals your body is sending you. Cultivating this awareness can be a powerful strategy for managing your weight in a healthier way.

Calorie awareness instead of counting

This doesn’t mean that calories aren’t relevant. Experts agree that consuming fewer calories than you burn is key to weight loss. However, there’s no need to obsess over every number. It’s more helpful to have a general idea of ​​how many calories you need to reach your goals and what foods can help you along the way. Think of it as developing calorie awareness, rather than simply counting them.

How many calories do you need?

Calorie needs vary from person to person and depend on factors such as age, body size, physical activity level and metabolism. In general, women require between 1,600 and 2,000 calories a day to maintain their weight, while men need between 2,000 and 2,400 calories. Your number may be higher or lower depending on your personal situation.

Limit calories by portions

An effective alternative is portion control, which will automatically limit calorie intake. Often, portions served in restaurants and at home are much larger than the recommended standard portions.

Learn to measure your food

When embarking on a journey toward healthier eating, it’s essential to learn how to measure out portions to keep a food diary. However, keep in mind that portions can increase over time if you don’t stay vigilant. After a month or so, review your portions again to remind yourself of standard sizes and make sure you’re still meeting your goals. Remember, there’s no need to cut back on vegetable portions.

Consider reducing carbohydrate consumption

Additionally, some research suggests that not all calories are created equal. A Harvard study found that people trying to maintain recent weight loss burned more calories daily on a relatively low-carb diet.

Many experts suggest that eliminating all simple sugars can be an effective first step to losing weight and preventing the pounds from coming back. This will likely lower your carbohydrate intake while limiting your overall calorie intake.

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