Does medical research serve patients and therapists?

Does medical research serve patients and therapists?


Hundreds of thousands of medical research are published daily, covering almost all fields. Some countries, such as Austria, Norway, Japan, Korea, Brazil, India, and China, have allocated specialized translation centers to translate important research for those countries on an ongoing basis. There are also official centers in many countries to transform this research into applications. A process once approved by the competent bodies, and there are centers concerned with collecting all information about the spread of diseases and registering all patients and details of their cases, such as disease surveillance and control centers, which have a list of approved therapists and specialized medical centers. The question is, where are the centers concerned with monitoring, treating and preventing the spread of diseases in the Kingdom? The answer: Most of them exist, but some of them exist on paper, some of them need support and independence to do their work, and some of them need constant updating, such as the annual report of the Ministry of Health, from which a report is available for the year 1433 AH. The problem is not in the decision, but in converting the decision into implementation. There was approval years ago to establish a disease control center in the Ministry of Health, but it has not been done so far. There is the National Tumor Registry, whose latest statistics I tried to find, but I did not find them. Perhaps the most active in the field of providing statistics is the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation. . Our hope in the Ministry of Health is to activate the role of research and statistics centers and the Disease Surveillance Center, and to coordinate with the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, health authorities, universities, and associations to provide medical research about the Kingdom and make it accessible to researchers, allocate research centers in all hospitals, provide them with new information, and support them to transform approved ones into practical applications.



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