Could Migraines Cause Your Headaches?

What is good for migraine , what are the treatment methods? Could migraines be the cause of your headaches?


What is migraine, first let’s talk about it briefly.


What is migraine?


Migraine, which is a physical disease, should be one of the first disorders that come to mind in those who suffer from headaches.


When any situation triggers migraine, it manifests itself with inflammation of the cerebral cortex, swelling and pain in the veins.


What is good for migraine?


What can you do to get rid of your pain?


The most effective method during a migraine attack is to put ice on your head.


Do not go out by taking a bath in the morning and dry your hair thoroughly after taking a bath in the evening.


Wind can trigger your headache; therefore do not stand directly into the wind.


Use a hat and scarf to protect your head in the cold, especially in windy weather.


Stay away from the air conditioner as much as possible, do not run your air conditioner at high settings.


Some migraine sufferers are very affected by the lodos. If you have noticed such a situation, avoid going out on southwestern days.


During the journey, do not leave yourself in the breeze by crossing the windows side by side.


The setting of the hair dryer is very important; Use it at medium setting.


Jelly, which increases conductivity, triggers migraine attacks; Avoid using jelly.


Migraine herbal treatment


What are the herbs that relieve migraine pain?


Massage your head with peppermint oil, you will see that your headaches are relieved.


By chewing cloves, you can get rid of your intense nausea during migraine.


You can also benefit from mint spirit; Before your migraine attack starts, you will notice that you are relieved by smelling the peppermint spirit.



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