Corn Flour Mask for Facial Hair

Corn Flour Mask for Facial Hair






1 Egg


1 Teaspoon of Corn Flour


1 Teaspoon Sugar


Preparation and application:


Break the egg and separate the yolk from the white. Since egg white will be used in the mask, take the egg white into a clean bowl.


Add the other ingredients to the egg white and mix well.


Let the mixture reach a creamy consistency.


Massage the mixture onto your face with your fingertips.


Wait until the mask dries on your face.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a towel.




You can apply this mask, which contributes to the reduction of facial hair and helps to eliminate facial hair over time, 2 or 4 times a week.


While applying the mixture on your skin, be careful to apply without irritating your skin.


If you wish, if you have had your facial hair removed before; After the mask dries, a thin layer of face mask will form. When you remove the mask with your hands as hard as waxing, you will get rid of your unwanted hair.

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