
Components of the human respiratory system

Components of the human respiratory system

Components of the human respiratory system


Respiratory system


It is one of the necessary and important organs of the human body, as a person cannot live without it due to its great benefit, as it supplies the body and cells with oxygen, and also rids them of harmful carbon dioxide, through a process called inhalation and exhalation.




It consists of thin, precise tubes that help exchange various gases. The respiratory system consists of: the larynx, nose, bronchi, pharynx, and bronchi. In this article, we will talk about its components in detail, its benefits, and the diseases that affect it, in addition to how to preserve it.




Components of the human respiratory system


• The larynx: It is the first part of the respiratory system, and contains the vocal cords, where it receives the air that enters the lungs, and reduces the possibility of food entering the bronchi due to the presence of a fleshy appendix in it.


•The pharynx: It is considered one of the most important parts of the respiratory system, due to its great ability to transport food to the digestive system, and to bring air into the respiratory system efficiently.


• The trachea: The trachea consists of two sections: the first section consists of thin cartilage, while the second section consists of muscles, which in turn perform two functions: excreting various sounds from the vocal cords to the lungs, and getting rid of phlegm and germs present in the body through coughing.


• The bronchial tubes: They consist of two main parts, and they bring air into the lungs during the process of inhalation and exhalation, but care must be taken that they are always open, so that the air can enter the body effectively, but they are sometimes exposed to many diseases such as: bronchitis, and respiratory tract disease. asthma.


• Alveoli: The lungs contain 300 million alveoli, and these alveoli protect the tiny capillaries, and in turn help improve the process of inhalation and exhalation effectively.


Respiratory system benefits


• It provides the human body with useful oxygen and rids it of carbon dioxide.


• Effectively maintains acid balance in the body.


• It reduces the possibility of high body temperature, thus maintaining a normal temperature.



Diseases affecting the respiratory system


• Asthma: It is considered one of the common diseases that affect the respiratory system. It is a sudden constriction of the lungs, and its severity increases when affected by some stimuli, such as: the smell of smoke, dust, air, and others.


Cystic fibrosis: It is considered a hereditary disease, and its severity increases when saliva and sweat combine with tears, and thus the glands in the respiratory system produce harmful fluids.


• Bronchodilation: This leads to significant damage to the bronchi and reduces the effectiveness of the inhalation and exhalation process.


• Obstructive disease: sometimes leads to erosion of bronchial tissue, and thus leads to difficulty breathing.


• Pulmonary fibrosis: It is a serious disease that affects the respiratory system, as it can appear in the form of wounds and scars on the bronchial tubes.



How to maintain the respiratory system


• Avoid breathing through the mouth as much as possible, rather it is preferable to breathe through the nose.


• Doing various exercises, especially walking.


• Avoid smoking and harmful alcoholic beverages.


•Do not be exposed to excessive cold air, especially in the winter.


• The possibility of vaccinating the body against various respiratory diseases.

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