
Causes and Treatment of Hair Loss

What are the causes of hair loss , how to treat it and how to prevent it?


Hair loss affects people psychologically negatively. The value of hair, which is not noticed when it is healthy, is understood when it starts to fall out. Especially if the openings have started, it brings with it various problems not only psychologically but also physically.


It is said that the average daily hair loss is between 50 and 100 strands. Is this shedding really normal, why does the hair fall, is there a treatment, do natural hair care masks stop hair loss? The answers you are looking for are at


Causes of hair loss


Hair is tightly tied, radiation therapy, eczema , high fever, giving birth, stress, thyroid, various drugs, protein deficiency, iron-zinc deficiency and seasonal changes are the main causes of hair loss.


Hair loss in seasonal changes


Hair loss between seasons is one of the problems of almost everyone. Especially at the end of summer, more hair loss is observed. Because the hair is worn out by drying with the effect of sun, pool and sea. At the end of the summer season , natural hair care mask should be applied, and spills should be minimized.


Male pattern spills


It is one of the types of shedding that scares women the most. Male pattern hair loss is caused by hormones and this type of hair loss is also common in women.


The hormones of people who experience male pattern hair loss should be examined.


postpartum hair loss


Postpartum hair loss is a very common problem. Hair loss stops during pregnancy and an increase can be observed after pregnancy.


Anemia , thyroid, hormonal changes cause hair loss after childbirth. These problems are temporary and after a while, excessive hair loss will stop and return to normal.


hair loss treatment


The patient should be examined by a specialist doctor. When diagnosed correctly, hair loss can be prevented.


Drugs used by the patient, diet, familial history of hair loss, drugs used, etc. Considering the circumstances, an appropriate treatment is started.


What are the foods that prevent hair loss?


You will be able to control your hair loss by consuming a handful of nuts, which contain almost all the vitamins and minerals required for your hair, every day.


You will see the great benefit of pumpkin seeds and you will be able to meet the zinc need of your hair.


Olive oil, on the other hand, is almost a kind of elixir for hair; It is cell regenerative and rich in vitamin E.  You should drink olive oil, which is used externally as a hair care oil, one spoon a day.


hair massage


The fact that hair is alive and needs massage like any limb is ignored. However, your hair should be combed with a thick-toothed comb and blood circulation should be accelerated so that it can be more alive and healthy.


As in almost every problem, early diagnosis is of great importance in hair loss.


Do not worry about hair loss, but take action to find out the causes.



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