Cocoa is beneficial for memory as we age

A scientific study published in the British magazine “Nature” showed that a diet rich in cocoa flavanols – a natural substance found in cocoa seeds – is enough to reduce the decline in mental abilities with age.


A person’s memory usually begins to decline starting from puberty, but its results do not appear before the age of fifty or sixty.


Researchers at Columbia University conducted tests on 37 volunteers, aged between fifty and sixty.


The volunteers were divided into two groups, the members of one of which drank drinks rich in flavanols (900 milligrams) daily, over a period of three months, while the members of the second group drank drinks with low levels of this substance (10 milligrams).


After the test period had passed, the volunteers’ brains were monitored using brain imaging techniques, and the results showed an increase in blood pumping to parts of the hippocampus in the brain in those who consumed large amounts of flavanols. These parts perform functions related to memory and their efficiency declines over the years.


The volunteers then underwent a test to remember certain shapes over a period of 20 minutes, and it was found that the first group had a higher ability to do so.


Scott Small, the study supervisor, confirmed that the participants “who had a memory in their sixties before starting the study had a memory in their thirties or forties” afterward. However, the researcher called for not rushing to draw conclusions and for delving into related research.

What effect does carbonated water have on the body?

Many of us drink carbonated water, such as in large quantities, without knowing what effect it has on the body or what its harms are. There are many people who drink Coca-Cola in very large quantities and do not know what effect it has on their body.


Here we will learn about what happens inside the human body in the first hour of drinking Coca-Cola, as reported by the “Egypt News” website:


-And in the first ten minutes:


The equivalent of ten teaspoons of sugar enters your body, i.e. 100% of the amount you need daily.


-After 20 minutes :


The blood sugar level rises, causing an influx of insulin.


-After 40 minutes:


The caffeine absorption process is complete, the pupils dilate and blood pressure rises, causing insomnia


-After 45 minutes:


Your body increases the secretion of dopamine, which works on the happiness center in the brain.


-After 60 minutes:


Phosphoric acid combines with calcium, magnesium, and zinc in the small intestine, which increases vitality and activity. You will lose the amounts of calcium, magnesium, and zinc that were heading to the bones, along with sodium and water.


-After more than 60 minutes:


As the state of happiness begins to disappear, your blood sugar level drops quickly, making you irritable and feeling lethargic

New discoveries of the benefits of coffee

New discoveries of the benefits of coffee

Caffeine-free coffee has become the only solution to avoid health diseases, in addition to containing chemicals that help reduce the risk of diabetes, strokes, and cirrhosis. Scientists have linked high levels of caffeine to its effect on memory loss and increased rates of heart disease. And cancer, while the study, which was conducted on more than 27 thousand participants, aged between 20 and 60 years, who recorded the number of times they drank coffee daily, demonstrated that enzyme levels were lower in participants who had a higher frequency of drinking decaffeinated coffee. The doctor confirmed that Xiao Qian of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, said: “Previous studies have shown that drinking coffee enhances the chances of protecting the liver from disease, but it is still unclear whether the caffeine-free strength causes the same results or not.”

Ways to get rid of excess water in the body

Ways to get rid of excess water in the body



Reasons for the presence of excess water in the body:


Excess water in the body is due to urinary retention, which occurs when the body cannot get rid of excess water. Fluid retention can occur for a variety of reasons, but most commonly it is caused by premenstrual syndrome in women. Too much salt in one’s diet. As a side effect of the medication, as a result of fluid retention, there may be some swelling in the body, especially in the legs, ankles, hands, feet, and abdomen. There are many natural ways to treat fluid retention by expelling excess water from the body and properly hydrating,



Steps on how to treat fluid retention:



If you are experiencing urinary retention, and feeling unusually bloated, losing water weight is a temporary solution. Looking to feel better in a short period of time, follow the easy steps to see the immediate benefit, with weight loss peaking after 2-4 days depending on your body. .



Steps to get rid of excess water in the body:



1. Drink more water:


Believe it or not, a lack of water affects the kidneys, which in turn affects the liver, which stops doing its job of burning fat. Not only that, the body does not have the fluids it needs to excrete waste, so it holds water on what it has, causing you to Feel the enlarged fat.


You can drink more water to bring your body functions into balance and help your body get rid of water retention problems.


Fresh water pushes water into new cells and allows your body to release water through breathing, urine, sweat and feces.


Water boosts your metabolism to some extent, when you drink water (especially cold water) the thermogenic effect it has on your system in addition to increasing your body’s efficiency well hydration will allow your metabolic processes to function optimally and can add to weight loss.


Adequate water will relieve your constipation. If you suffer from constipation, infrequent bowel movements are a common culprit of this bloated or bloated feeling.


The best way to take water is to drink small amounts continuously throughout the day. Your body with a lot of water moves to the bladder and only a small amount is absorbed by the body.



2. Modify your diet:



Reducing salt intake, this is one of the most important steps in water restriction because it has an immediate effect on the way the kidneys control the water balance in the body, causing too much salt in the body which leads to retention of bloating and swelling, especially water in the extremities.


Avoid salty foods obviously. Stay away from chips, pretzels and salty snacks, steer clear of condiments such as soy sauce, tomato sauce, relish, vegetable juice and soups.


Check for hidden salt, factory and fast food are loaded with salt. Choose fresh, whole foods instead of canned and frozen goods and entrees.



3. Eat fruits and vegetables:



Fruits and vegetables not only contain a lot of water, they’re also high in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, two substances that strengthen tissue and reduce the tendency of capillaries to leak fluid into surrounding tissue spaces.


The fruits that contain the most bioflavonoids are those that are bright or colored with orange, yellow, red, violet, blue or dark green.

The most valuable tips to encourage healthy eating for children

Eat regular family meals

Eating family meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner at a specific time every day as a family, enhances the child’s appetite and makes him eat with a good appetite. Scientific studies have proven that children who eat breakfast with the family and before going to school are 20% more active and efficient than children who eat breakfast alone.

Eating home-cooked meals is healthier for the whole family and sets a great example for children about the importance of food. Restaurant meals tend to be higher in fat, sugar and salt. Save eating out for special occasions.

Get children’s participation in choosing food. Children enjoy helping adults shop for groceries, choosing what goes in the lunch box, and preparing dinner. It’s also an opportunity for you to teach them about the nutritional values ​​of different foods, and (for older children) how to read food labels. The child’s participation in buying vegetables and fruits makes him very happy and truly ready to eat this food, the nutritional components of which he purchased.

Children from the age of 8 years to adulthood can participate in preparing meals. Preparing meals or participating in preparing them adds happiness to children, stimulates their appetite, and prepares early to eat food with appetite, as he waits for the result of preparing food.

Providing a variety of healthy snacks available and prepared in advance at home instead of outside snacks that are high in calories.

Keep plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grain snacks, and healthy drinks (water, milk, pure fruit juice) around and easily accessible so kids get used to reaching for these healthy snacks instead of junk food like soda, chips, or cookies.

The most important and very dangerous thing is using food as a reward or bribe. This makes the child hate food and try to engage in maneuvers and battles in order to escape from food.

A quick parsley recipe to lose a kilo a day!  

A quick parsley recipe to lose a kilo a day!


Exercising and eating low-calorie foods are the best ways to get rid of excess weight. You can also rely on some burning drinks and creams that help break down fat.


According to Donazine magazine, parsley drink is considered one of the best drinks to lose a kilo a day by preparing this miraculous recipe:


the components:


-A bunch of washed and chopped parsley

– 10 peeled garlic cloves

-Quarter cup of lemon juice


How to prepare:


1- Place the ingredients in a pot on low heat with 3 cups of water.

2- Wait for the drink to boil, then remove it from the heat until it cools.

3- Place the mixture in a bottle for an entire night.

4- Filter the drink in the morning and drink a cup of it half an hour before starting the main meal.


This drink depends on burning fat, ridding the body of it, and expelling accumulated toxins. Do not consume this drink on an empty stomach if you have a stomach ulcer or allergy.

You must continue drinking this drink to achieve the desired result

Allergy to detergents and chemicals…dangerous  

Allergy to detergents and chemicals…dangerous




Some doctors recommend that people with muscle pain, dizziness, mental fogginess, balance problems, extreme fatigue, and autoimmune and neurological disorders undergo multiple chemical sensitivity tests.

Causes of chemical sensitivity syndrome

There are many theories that explain the causes of this syndrome. Some scientists believe that autoimmunity is the cause, and this deficiency is alerted by the chemicals present around us in the environment or in the body itself. While scientists and others are convinced that the causes are either toxins, or psychological or social issues, and since the symptoms can It varies from one person to another, as there is no precise standard. This syndrome generally appears in adults, especially women.

What are the stimulants?

Those who suffer from chemical sensitivity syndrome experience symptoms after direct exposure to certain substances in the environment, especially odors, aromatic substances, solutions, cleaning materials, new carpets, plastic materials, and the smell of cigarette smoke, while others are affected by substances added to foods, or medications, and sometimes by mercury. Found in dental fillings, silicone is considered the most guilty of causing chemical sensitivity in women who undergo breast augmentation surgeries using silicone. We also find silicone in many household products such as floor polish, hand lotion, soap, processed foods, chemicals used in war, and chewing gum, and some experts say Give me someone who is sensitive to chemicals, detergents, and bleach, and I will give you someone who reacts to silicone. Even injection needles surrounded by silicone find their easy way into the skin.

It is impossible to avoid silicone, and whether you have breast augmentation with silicone or not, unfortunately, silicone does not last forever. Silicone in the body causes many problems and unexplained symptoms, and it can leak and the symptoms are similar to chemical sensitivity.

It is always easy to isolate silicone from other sources of symptoms, such as ear cleaning tools and sticks, as well as face masks, all of which contain latex and other materials that may contribute to the problem.


Dr. uses Mike Winsberg, a holistic medicine practitioner at Plasticus Millennium Surgical Center and Healthcare in Atlanta, uses a natural, gentle and safe technique to relieve allergies to chemicals, silicone, mushrooms, platinum and other related substances. It is caused by mercury fillings without removing the mercury mixed with other metals. Each type of allergy usually takes a few sessions for Dr. Mike to find a successful solution. However, there are complex cases that require more time to find successful solutions for them.

Facts about the brain

The brain  does not feel pain, despite the presence of pain-sensing centers within it The brain is the largest consumer of oxygen in the body, as it consumes 20% of the amount of oxygen supplied to the body, knowing that its weight does not exceed 2% of the body’s weight.



80% of the brain is made up of fluids, hence the importance of drinking an appropriate amount of water





During sleep, the brain does not sleep! On the contrary, it becomes more active…



The brain stores everything a person sees, touches, breathes or smells. The problem is recalling the stored information.



The brain is divided into two hemispheres, each of which is responsible for controlling the opposite part of the body. The right hemisphere controls the left part of the body, and vice versa…



The brain completely stops sleeping at the age of 18



If the brain loses blood for about 8-10 seconds, the person will lose consciousness



The brain can survive for 4-6 minutes if oxygen is cut off from it, but after that the person will begin to die

Cocaine addiction is treated by brain stimulation

Cocaine addiction is treated by brain stimulation


Researchers from the University of Geneva discovered the possibility of getting rid of cocaine addiction by combining the use of a specific drug and influencing the brain with low-frequency electrical signals.


Swiss scientists dealt with nerve cells specialized in forming a feeling of pleasure, arousing laughter, and forming addiction, aggression, and terror. These are the cells that play the role of mediator between the parts of the brain responsible for planning and seeing the outside world on the one hand, and emotions on the other hand. The relationship of this mediator to drug addiction is due to the fact that it receives information from certain receptors.


Researchers from the University of Geneva tried to show the effect of cocaine on the connection points of nerve cell branches by stimulating brain cells that began to accept light after genetic modification, knowing that applying this method to humans is now impossible due to the necessity of radically changing the entire human body.


That’s why scientists started deep brain stimulation using electrical signals through electrodes implanted in the brain, a method that doctors use to treat Parkinson’s disease. At the same time, the researchers vaccinated their laboratory mice with SCH 23390, a drug that blocks the effect of the mediator. It should be noted that the aforementioned drug alone is unable to carry out the treatment, just like the electrodes if used without the drug.


The researchers hope to be allowed to conduct experiments on humans in hospital conditions soon.

Saffron is the king of spices

Saffron cultivation is widespread in a number of regions of the world, such as Italy, Greece, the Balkans, Iran, and Western Asia, where it is mostly spread in meadows and agricultural lands. Saffron is a perennial herbaceous plant thanks to its corms, its rounded, swollen root, and its filamentous leaves with a pale white central vein, reaching a length of To 30 cm, the flowers are long, tubular, red to orange in color, reaching 10 cm in length. Saffron usually blooms between the months of October and December. The used parts of saffron are the stigmas of the flowers, which have been known for their medicinal and therapeutic properties since ancient times. The luxurious yellow dye is derived from this plant mentioned in various Greek myths with its scent and flavour.



Medicinal uses of saffron:



Saffron is used to treat a large number of diseases, including: enlarged lymph nodes, amenorrhea, gallbladder (perforated ulcer in the eyelid), asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, colds, brain diseases, conjunctivitis, and inflammation. Bladder, depression, diabetes, dysmenorrhea, dropsy, epistaxis, gout, headache, bloody sputum, hepatitis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hysteria, laryngitis, and jelly retention. (puerperal fluid), measles, feelings of despair, kidney degeneration, nerve tension, nerve pain, parotitis, eye infection, plague, spleen inflammation, tonsillitis, shivering, and hysteritis.



Active ingredients:



Saffron has therapeutic properties thanks to the medicinal substances God has bestowed upon it, such as crocin, crocetin, picrocrocin, and safranal (carotenoids).


Saffron is known to have distinct properties from others, so it is used as a carminative, a menstrual aid, a diaphoretic for children, and for chronic uterine bleeding in adult women.



Its ability to fight cancer:



Scientists believe that saffron has the ability to fight cancer and prolong the average lifespan of patients, and using it medicinally with black seed reduces the incidence of tumors by a certain percentage.


The medicinal substances in saffron, especially crocin, picrocrocin, and safranal, contribute to reducing the growth of human cancer cells in the laboratory.


Saffron extract (dimethyl-crocin) has anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic, and immunomodulatory effects.


Crocetin has a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the synthesis of DNA and RNA in the separated nucleus and inhibits the activity of the purified RNA polymerase II. Crocetin also caused dose-dependent inhibition of DNA and protein synthesis.


Other references state that the plant is useful in reducing cancers of the abdomen, bladder, breast, colon, diaphragm, ear, eye, kidney, throat, liver, mouth, neck, spleen, stomach, tonsil, and uterus, and is useful in cases of fibroids, leukemia, lymphoma, and various skin tumors.