
Bill Gates, Tech Bill Gates Warns: The World Should Be Prepared for the Next Epidemic!

Bill Gates, Tech Bill Gates Warns: The World Should Be Prepared for the Next Epidemic!

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of humanity in an extremely negative way over the past few years. Millions of people around the world have lost their lives due to the epidemic. Thanks to vaccination therapy and immunity, the effects of the epidemic seem to have decreased recently. But humanity has not fully recovered from the epidemic. However, every day, new disease news comes with a high probability of turning from different geographies of the world to “salga. Relaxation of coronavirus measures all over the world, the flu or Strep A it causes diseases such as these to become much more mass compared to the past. So the whole humanity has been trying to live in the shadow of “salgin” diseases for a long time. In this context, Bill Gates, the technology billionaire who was the subject of much speculation during the Covid epidemic, warns the whole world: Prepare for the next epidemic! Let’s look at the details together…


Bill Gates, co-founder of tech giant Microsoft, was one of the most talked about names of the pandemic era


Bill Gates, who has always been at the top of the list of the richest people in the world, was especially focused on the development of vaccines against coronavirus, interesting conspiracy theories such as “insmen providing financial support for ” to place chips. There were even those around the world who accused Gates of being the name“ behind the ”Covid-19 pandemic…


Although Bill Gates continues to be the focus of many conspiracy theories in the field of health and technology, he has recently come up with notable philanthropic activities


Gatesin has made significant investments in numerous health, environment and charities and is known to provide financial support as well as technology support to these organizations. In short, Bill Gates has recently come forward with the identity of “noirever” outside of his business person identity. Gates, on the other hand, continues to make remarkable statements about epidemics…


According to Bill Gates, the entire world must be prepared for a massive virus, infection, or disease


Because, according to Gates, there is a very strong possibility that humanity will encounter new outbreaks in the future. The stronger possibility is that the new outbreak will be much more ’thasic“ than Covid-19”! That’s why Gates is calling on country leaders to set aside their “differences and reconsider their outbreak policies.


According to the famous technology billionaire, the best way to prepare for a new epidemic is to conduct exercises


Gates made this interesting suggestion, “Every five years, we need to conduct a comprehensive exercise to prepare for pandemics at both the country and the regional level, and create a global structure that oversees them.” says in his words. Gates says these drills are the best way to let “herers know what they should do and be prepared for new outbreaks. Because according to the famous billionaire, what caused millions of people to lose their lives during the Covid-19 epidemic is the world’s unprepared capture of the epidemic!


Bill Gates says that no country in the epidemic period is “successful”


However, he says that the country he found most successful during the epidemic period is Australia. On the other hand, it is also seriously critical of epidemic policies in the United States. He states that more than 1 million people in the United States have lost their lives, holding responsible for their false pandemic policies and the former president Donald Trump, the name behind those policies.

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