
Benefits of rinsing with olive oil

Benefits of rinsing with olive oil

One of the important benefits of olive oil


Rinsing with olive oil, method and benefits


It is important to understand that during the oil pulling process the body’s metabolism is naturally activated and this leads to an improvement in overall health. And one of the amazing quick results here is re-attachment and strengthening of loose loose teeth, stopping bleeding gums and visibly whitening teeth.


Flushing with oil is done before breakfast, and to speed up the process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach, and it continues for several days until your old strength and activity return to you before any disease, and your vitality and peaceful sleep return.

Listen to your body, as it determines the necessary period. Severe diseases will recover quickly within two to four days. Chronic or intractable diseases usually take longer, sometimes a whole year, so please do not give up quickly.


* The first step:





First thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids (even water) pour 1 tablespoon (10ml) of the original olive oil into your mouth


* The second step:


Swish and swish the oil through your mouth without swallowing for 15 to 20 minutes. Move it to the corners of your mouth and across your teeth, as if you were simply rinsing your mouth (don’t throw your head back to gargle).


You will find that the oil will begin to thin out like water as it mixes with the saliva


Continue rinsing your mouth. If your jaw muscles get tired, you are making them more tired. There is no need to exert much effort here.


Relax a little and use your tongue to move the oil in your mouth. When you do this, you will feel very comfortable, and after a period of repetition, it will become something very normal.


Rinsing with oil activates the enzymes, which in turn remove toxins from the blood.


* The third step:


Towards the end of the oil rinsing session, you may notice that the mixture of saliva and oil has become thick. This is normal since it draws toxins out of your body.


After 20 minutes have passed, spit the oil out into the restroom. Do not be surprised at its pale yellow color. This is normal.


* The fourth step:


Rinse your mouth twice with warm water and spit it into the restroom. Optionally, you can also rinse it with salt water or a good oral antiseptic (diluted with pure oxygenated water if available). This is effective in removing any toxins lingering in your mouth.


If you use the sink, wash it with soap after you’re done, as the oil that comes out is full of bacteria and toxins.





Some precautions:


— Do not swallow the oil, but spit it out, but if you accidentally swallowed it, there is no problem to worry about. It will pass through your gut and you don’t have to do anything


— In the case of several diseases, some symptoms may worsen at the beginning of the application of the treatment, and it is even possible that during recovery, a cleansed area may infect another area, so it never stops even if the condition worsens. For example, there is no need to stop the treatment if your temperature rises (high temperature is a natural reaction). From the body to heal itself) and always remember here that the increase in the symptoms of the disease with the application of chewing is a good sign indicating recovery.


Oil rinsing results

Surprisingly, through this natural method, many diseases and various symptoms were cured and removed without any side effects. This simple method enables us to heal a large number of widespread diseases that are often treated with surgery or strong chemical drugs, and of course with many side effects.


Many doctors around the world support this treatment, and through it several diseases can certainly be cured: migraines, bronchitis, carious or inflamed teeth, blood clots, chronic blood diseases such as leukemia, arthritis and what results in physical and nervous paralysis, eczema, intestinal infections, peritonitis, heart diseases, kidney diseases, meningitis, disorders hormonal women

This method treats the body as an integrated unit and in diseases that are called “incurable” such as cancer, AIDS, infections and chronic infections. This method showed success that outperformed many other treatments. Even a chronic leukemia patient was treated after the failure of widespread treatment methods for 15 years. A patient with severe arthritis was treated. He was incapacitated because of it, as he recovered in only 3 days, with all symptoms of infection gone.

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