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The plan to get rid of cellulite in the thighs in two weeks - Care Beauty

The plan to get rid of cellulite in the thighs in two weeks

How do I get rid of cellulite thighs? A question asked by many women who want to shine in short dresses, and the appearance of lumpy skin is an obstacle to that.




There are many recipes and home mixtures that help remove cellulite, but their effectiveness is not complete without accompanied by a healthy diet and exercises designed for this purpose.


From here, we chose today to share with you a plan to get rid of thigh cellulite within two weeks; Are you ready to follow it?


A diet to get rid of cellulite thighs Make sure that your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables such as beetroot, red cabbage, berries, strawberries, pomegranate, and sweet potatoes that contain antioxidants, which protects you from free radicals responsible for causing damage to skin cells, thus forming cellulite. large amount of water daily; It not only keeps you hydrated but also helps stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic flow. Choose the right proteins like those you get from gelatin, bone broth, nuts, seeds, poultry and fish. Avoid simple and processed carbohydrates; Eating a high amount of carbohydrates can cause high levels of insulin in the blood and promote fat formation, which in turn leads to the appearance of cellulite. Eat small amounts of low-glycemic carbohydrates from whole grains such as multigrain bread, oats, sweet potatoes and legumes; This will help stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels. Replace saturated fats with healthy omega-3 fats such as oily fish, flaxseeds, fish oils and nuts. Exercises to remove cellulite from the thighs Squats are one of the most important exercises that target the lower body, specifically the thigh and abdominal muscles. Stairs constantly helps to strengthen the muscles of the thighs, which is one of the easiest exercises as well. Jogging while walking stimulates blood circulation, helps burn fat and contributes to muscle tightening. Riding a bicycle helps to tighten the muscles of the thighs, which reduces the appearance of cellulite. Bridge exercise does not help to remove cellulite. Not only thigh cellulite, but also buttocks and buttocks. Natural mixtures to get rid of thigh cellulite.

Apple cider vinegar and honey (half a cup of apple cider vinegar with half a cup of water and a tablespoon of honey); Leave for 30 minutes. Rosehip seed oil (2 drops rosehip seed oil with 1 tablespoon of ground rice); Leave for 5 minutes;

Coffee and coconut oil (1/4 cup of coffee with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil); Leave for 5 minutes.

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