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Difference Between PRF and PRP?

In the world of skin care, there are many techniques that target the signs of aging on the skin and restore its youth and vitality to the skin and give it a natural glow, especially the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) technology and the fibrin plasma (PRF) technology. How do these two technologies work, and what is the difference between them? Follow us in this article, where we monitor the difference between PRF and PRP, and the most prominent information about these two technologies.



What is PRF technology?






PRF, or what is known as fibrin plasma technology, is fibrin, a protein rich in platelets, which has proven its effectiveness in restoring youth to the skin, by promoting collagen production in the skin and giving the skin a glow and freshness. PRF contains stem cells with great potential for skin rejuvenation and the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles.


What is the PRP technique?


PRP, or what is known as platelet-rich plasma, is an injection based on a woman’s own platelets, injected into the skin with the aim of rejuvenating and rejuvenating the skin by stimulating the growth of new cells and healing damaged tissues.


Difference Between PRF and PRP




PRF and PRP, both are autologous concentrations of platelets prepared from the blood of the same woman who wants to undergo one of the two techniques and injected into the skin. Also, the properties present in both techniques make them very effective in rejuvenating and rejuvenating the skin, and the most popular at the moment. Despite the similarities between PRF and PRP, there are several differences between them, the most prominent of which are highlighted in this article:

Usually, the PRF technique produces a higher number of platelets than the PRP technique.

PRP releases more platelets and growth factors more quickly, while PRF releases platelets and growth factors more slowly after injection.

The PRP technology includes an anticoagulant to prevent the blood sample from clotting while it is being processed. In the PRF technique, the formation of fibrin, which is one of the components of clots, is allowed. Note that the reason why PRF is more effective than PRP is that it continues to give freshness to the skin even after the procedure is completed.

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