
My skin is sensitive, how do I take care of it?

My skin is sensitive, how do I take care of it?

Sensitive skin needs a lot of care and attention, as it is brittle and can age quickly, even if its owner is young, and because we at “Anna Zahra” are keen on the beauty and radiance of your skin, the cosmetic specialist Huda Beydoun from Jeddah will present to our readers natural, fun and easy recipes that are easy to prepare at home At reasonable prices and free of chemicals that may be included in the composition of some products in some commercial companies, which inevitably harm sensitive skin, so that you can take care of your skin using natural foods, oils and herbs.


First, let the facial steam be a gentle way to open the pores and clean the skin.


1- Boil some water, then cover your head with a towel and inhale the rising steam with lavender, sage or sage leaves.


2- If you have acne, you can add a little apple juice or vinegar to the water. Being close enough to feel warm, breathe and relax for three minutes.


3- Then gently rub your face with a soft facial scrub with local laurel soap. Or mix two tablespoons of sea salt or dead sea salt with one tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda. Mix it with vegetable oil such as coconut, grape or jojoba to make a cleansing paste.


As for making a gentle makeup remover:


Mix castor oil, equal parts olive oil, and a little grape seed oil. Use one tablespoon each of castor oil, olive oil, and two teaspoons of grape seed oil. If you are allergic to olive oil, replace it with coconut oil. Apply to your face, then remove with a warm cloth and rinse. It can also be used to remove eye make-up.


To make a natural facial cleanser: Mix a few tablespoons of organic whole milk with some fresh chamomile tea. Spread it on your face and then rinse it off with warm water. You can keep it in the refrigerator for a few days.


A gentle facial tonic: Mix a little aloe vera juice with an equal amount of water. Spread it on your face after cleansing the face beforehand.


Gentle face scrub:


1- Use small amounts of almond powder and yogurt, as it is one of the favorite natural ingredients for sensitive skin care, as it provides cleansing and moisturizing, as well as exfoliation.


2- Grind 10 to 20 almonds, to form a smooth almond paste.


3- Now put 2 tablespoons of organic whole milk and add enough ground almonds to make a fine paste. Spread the paste on your skin, and gently.


4- You can also leave it on your face for a few minutes since yogurt is nourishing and has natural properties such as alpha hydroxy acids that work to exfoliate the skin.


And if you suffer from excessive skin sensitivity, here are the natural beauty recipes for simple and fun face masks: Avocado mask: – Take a ripe avocado, mash it well and spread it on your face, and leave it for a few minutes.


Banana Mask: – Simply mash a banana and spread it on your face. If your skin is sensitive, it can be in harmony with the ingredients more, adding a touch of cream or milk and honey together, and another of oatmeal. Mix and spread the mixture on your skin and allow it to stay for a while.


Chocolate Mask: Mix one tablespoon of raw organic cocoa powder (or raw chocolate) with one tablespoon of organic whole milk or cream. Spread it on your face and leave it for a few minutes. Apply the mask in the morning, the natural caffeine in chocolate works to activate.


Pumpkin mask: Take one or two tablespoons of canned organic pumpkin and spread it on your face. You will see your skin soft, moisturized and dewy. You can add a touch of white honey, and butter for extra hydration. White honey is a special type of honey that contains a high percentage of beneficial natural ingredients and healing properties, and is extremely wonderful for the skin. Simply apply it a little on your face and relax for 20 minutes and you will notice that your skin is hydrated and radiant, and you can even use it on your lips.

My dear, by following a new style pattern and simple but safe, important, easy and inexpensive changes, you can take care of your sensitive skin, and preserve it as long as possible.

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