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A complete reference about dandruff, its causes and treatment

Dandruff is one of the most important hair problems that trouble many people, whether men or women, and many people may overlook the reasons that lead to the appearance of dandruff. Follow this article with us to learn about the causes of dandruff and ways to treat it naturally.

First: the causes of dandruff


1 – Not brushing the hair regularly


Not combing the hair regularly leads to the appearance of dandruff because combing the hair is a natural process for the scalp to get rid of dead cells, and therefore you should comb your hair at least twice a day, as combing the hair also increases blood flow and the activity of blood circulation in the scalp


2- Using the wrong type of shampoo


Failure to wash the hair regularly leads to the accumulation of dead cells and oil on the scalp and thus leads to the appearance of dandruff, but it is recommended that you use a shampoo suitable for your hair and prefer the type made of natural herbs because regular types of shampoo contain harmful chemicals that harm the health of hair and lead To dry and frizzy hair.

3- stress


Psychological and nervous stress and stress lead to hair damage, hair loss and the appearance of dandruff. Therefore, you should try to reduce the stress on you as much as possible and follow important and good diets that ensure the maintenance of hair health.


4- Excessive use of hair products


Excessive use of hair-styling tools and products leads to damage and loss and increases the chance of hair dandruff, and if it is necessary to use it, use spray and gel in moderation and not be extravagant because the chemicals in these products are very harmful to hair.


5- Improper diet


Hair health, like the rest of the body, depends on a good and balanced diet that you follow, and therefore your diet should include important vitamins and minerals necessary for hair health, such as zinc, vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acid.


6- Dry skin


People with dry skin always suffer from dandruff, especially in the summer


Second: The most important natural remedies to get rid of dandruff


1- Lemon and coconut oil


Heat two tablespoons of coconut oil and mix them with an equal amount of lemon juice and massage your scalp with this mixture, leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it with shampoo, and repeat this 3-4 times a week until you get positive results.

2- baking soda


Take a spoonful of baking soda and massage it into your wet hair and scalp. Leave it for a minute, then wash it off. Repeat this four times a week. It may take time to get a result, but baking soda is a very good natural remedy for getting rid of dandruff and dry scalp.


3- The ring


Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight and make a paste of it, then apply it to the hair and scalp, leave it for an hour, then rinse your hair and scalp with shampoo and repeat this 3-4 times a week as the anti-fungal properties of fenugreek will prevent the scalp infection and thus It prevents dandruff and itching.


4- Henna


Mix henna, curd and lemon juice in a bowl and leave it for 8-10 hours, then massage the scalp with the mixture and leave it for an hour or two, then rinse your hair and wash it with shampoo and repeat this once a week until you get a good result.


5- Apple cider vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is also a good anti-fungal. Mix an amount of apple cider vinegar with a similar amount of water and leave them aside, then wash your hair and put the apple cider vinegar mixture on it while it is wet and massage your scalp with it well and be careful so that the mixture does not reach your eyes, and leave it for 15 minutes Then rinse it with water. Repeat daily for a week and you will get rid of the dandruff.


6- Tea tree oil


Put some tea tree oil on the places where the crust abounds on your head, leave it for five minutes, then wash it off and repeat this two or three times a week, and tea tree oil sometimes causes allergic reactions to some people, in this case you can use shampoo that contains at least 5% of the tea tree oil

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