
Avoid throwing it away.. the amazing benefits of used tea bags

Tea is the favorite drink of millions of people around the world, and tea is known for the many beneficial properties it contains, whether it is black, green, or white tea.

There are many health, household, and cosmetic benefits associated with tea, and once used tea bags do not have to be thrown into the trash once they are steeped in boiling water or milk. Over the following lines, we will show you benefits that you may not expect from used tea bags.


Amazing benefits of used tea bags

Tea is full of antioxidants that repair cellular damage, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and diseases, for this reason it is always advised to avoid discarding the tea bag after using it, and among the best uses of tea bags are the following:


1. Sunburn treatment

Allow the tea bags to cool, then apply them to sunburns and minor burns (including razor burns) to relieve burn pain. If the majority of your skin needs care, brew a tea bath in cold water and immerse your face in it.


2. Rashes and insect bites

Cold used tea bags help reduce the itching of rashes and bug bites.


3. Inflammation and bleeding of the gums

Reducing gingivitis and bleeding by placing a cooled and used tea bag on the affected area, as the blood vessels constrict, which stops the bleeding and reduces the swelling of the tissues that cause pain.


4. Healing bruises

Put a soaked tea bag on the bruise for it to heal faster, as torn capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body, cause bruising, because tannins narrow the blood vessels, relieving pain.


5. Reduce pimples

The tannic acid in the tea is said to make warts shrink, possibly due to its anti-bacterial properties. To try this method, apply a warm tea bag to the wart for 10 minutes a day several times a day, and notice a reduction in the wart after two days.


6. Reduce puffiness

To reduce puffiness around the eyes, soak a tea bag in warm water and place it on each eye for 20 minutes.


7. Reduce dark circles

You can use the same method mentioned above to reduce dark circles under the eyes as well, dark circles are a form of bruising.


8. Shinier hair

Rinsing the hair with a cup of tea can make it shiny and manageable. Only do this if your hair is dyed; Because it adds temporary color to the hair.


9. Get rid of bad foot odor

Make your feet smell good by soaking them in a tea-soaked bath for 20 minutes every day. Use black tea to combat bad odors in particular, because tea closes the sweat-emitting pores that create odor, and it also kills smelly bacteria.

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10. Facial Toner

Need a quick alternative to facial toner? Soaked tea bags can do the trick, because they reduce facial sebum secretions, so wipe a soaked tea bag on problem areas on your skin, and then wipe it with a clean towel.

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