
Do I need to see a psychiatrist?

Do I need to see a psychiatrist?

Psychotherapy provides a safe space for the patient so that they can express their concerns and give them the support they need. What are the reasons that lead us to seek psychological help?

Writer Angel Roll said in a report published by the Spanish newspaper, “Periodico”, that the reasons for us to seek psychological help are many.

The author pointed out that people undergoing treatment notice signs of improvement in their lives with the progression of treatment stages.

In these sessions, the psychologist not only helps you solve your problems, but also gives you more awareness about the treatment process itself. But despite all the improvements, it’s hard for us to tell others that we’re undergoing psychiatric treatment or are going to do it, and even if we tell someone it’s in the inner circle. What is the reason behind concealing the fact that we visited a psychiatrist?

1- Judging others

This is not just about visiting a psychiatrist, but everything that can affect us. We can’t be denied the fact that other people’s judgment worries us greatly because just feeling different, or someone trying to evaluate the reasons or motives that made us consult a doctor, makes us feel frustrated.

2- They will see me weak

There are still many people who do not believe in the work of a psychiatrist, without realizing that it is a branch of health based on science and clear evidence. For some, undergoing treatment is a weakness that you must know how to get rid of yourself



3- They will abandon me

The writer explained that people undergoing psychotherapy are afraid that others will think that they are out of balance, so they are afraid to disclose it because they think that others will judge and abandon them.

4- I feel ashamed

In some cases, many people refuse to say it out of shyness, as it seems too personal and intimate, or out of fear that getting to know someone more deeply could complicate the matter for them.



Symptoms and causes that require a psychiatrist’s review are:

1- Changes in mood or personality.

2- Emotional or behavioral problems.

3- Vital moments of crisis, such as divorce.



4- Exposure to emotional trauma or a bad event.

5- Prevention of stress or anxiety.

6- Get emotional well-being and reassurance

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