Blue Tea: All You Need To Know About This Herbal Tea


Blue tea  enjoys a great reputation among nutrition experts in the world, as it is famous for its good taste.

Blue tea is the perfect accompaniment on your weight loss journey
Blue tea is the perfect accompaniment on your weight loss journey

It also has properties that make it unique and exceptional as it helps in losing weight. Blue tea grows in mountainous areas

In Taiwan and China it is taken to lose weight gradually. Learn more about the benefits of blue tea

In burning fat and getting a slim body, continue reading the following lines.


Blue tea benefits


As we mentioned above, blue tea is an ideal drink for those who want to lose weight, as some studies have shown

Its ability to speed up metabolism more than other types of tea are as follows:

Allows you to burn fat in a natural way

Accelerates liver metabolism and lowers blood cholesterol levels

It has the ability to prevent certain types of cancer

– Strengthens the immune system naturally

It is a preventative drink against cardiovascular problems by improving blood circulation


The role of blue tea in losing weight


According to a recent study conducted recently by the American University of Colorado, it has been proven that blue tea has the ability to prevent and combat

Obesity and cirrhosis of the liver. On the other hand, researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center also concluded that drinking blue tea

The best food way to get rid of fat, as it contains antioxidants, which makes it more beneficial than green tea.


Why is blue tea good for burning fat?


According to another study conducted by the University of Maryland, blue tea contains a sufficient concentration of caffeine to stimulate the body.

to burn calories. It also has a diuretic effect, in addition to containing a percentage of catechins and powerful antioxidants

It speeds up the metabolism and increases the levels of oxidation and thermogenesis in your body, creating an important fat burning effect.


How to prepare and drink blue tea


You must adhere to the specified quantities while preparing the blue tea drink to get the most benefit from it:

Put a teaspoon of blue tea leaves for each cup in a non-metallic teapot, because metal cancels out many of the benefits of tea.

– Boil water between 90 and 100 degrees Celsius to make a cup of high quality blue tea, then add the tea leaves to the boiling water.

Leave it to soak for 3 minutes only. Be careful not to exceed the specified steeping time as blue tea oxidizes quickly.

Drink blue tea an hour before or after the main meal. Do not take it immediately after eating so that the iron is not absorbed from your body.

Drink this drink for weight loss twice a day.

You can sweeten it with a spoonful of honey.

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