
Eye wrinkles.. how to get rid of them

Eye wrinkles are very cruel and unforgiving, as they make you age, tired and exhausted, and make you older than your real age. How do you stop it before it takes your youth and the freshness of your face?




1. Prevention begins with getting used to. Skin naturally loses its elasticity with age, but protecting your skin with SPF 30 when you’re out in the sun can prevent a great deal of damage.

2. Don’t smoke! Cigarettes are not only bad for your lungs, but for your skin as well. Smoke makes your skin pale and causes lines to appear around your mouth, as well as damages the elasticity of the skin in general.

3. Use an excellent eye cream. Personally, I like Avon protection cream, it is good for the care of the skin around the eyes. This cream works well to carefully moisturize your eyes because it contains vitamins and antioxidants that work to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

4. Beauty doesn’t just mean putting cosmetics on the face – nourish your body from the inside too to give you glow and freshness! Drink plenty of water, eat healthy foods, and take good antioxidants (these essentially prevent your body from rusting) and it will help keep your skin healthy and wrinkles away.



Note: Do not expect miracles to happen from the start – wrinkles will appear no matter how much you try to delay them, the important thing is not to appear too badly

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