Benefits of green tea for diet

After a group of studies reported on the therapeutic benefits of green tea, nutrition experts advise drinking 3 cups of it daily, knowing that it contains less caffeine, compared to black tea and coffee. Green tea has a role in achieving fitness.

Here are the benefits of green tea for diet and health.

• Green tea helps burn belly fat, thanks to epigallocatechin gallate, which activates the genes responsible for burning stomach fat to accelerate weight loss by 77%.

• Green tea helps in accelerating the metabolism process; Its antioxidant effect helps the liver to function effectively. It boosts energy in the body and activates memory.

• Green tea maintains energy stability in the body by balancing blood sugar levels. In fact, epigallocatechin gallate improves the body’s use of insulin to prevent blood sugar levels from suddenly rising or falling, which can lead to tiredness and fatigue.

• It is recommended to have a cup of green tea with meals, as it kills bacteria and protects against food poisoning.

• Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants, and a number of studies have shown that it increases fat burning and helps in weight loss. Caffeine is a substance found in green tea and a stimulant, and it has been shown to help burn fat and improve the effectiveness of exercise. Therefore, it is recommended to drink green tea before the time to perform sports.

• It is recommended to drink a cup of green tea, before exercising, in order to get rid of fat. * Tea contains catechins that release fats from fat cells, then speed up the process of converting fats into energy.

• Green tea is made from steamed tea leaves, and it contains a high amount of EGCG. Green tea’s antioxidants prevent the growth of cancers of the bladder, breast, lung, stomach, pancreas and colon. Green tea also protects against clogging of the arteries, helps in burning fats, resists stress, reduces the risk of neurological diseases, such as: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and the possibility of seizures, and improves cholesterol levels.

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