
Benefits of lavender spray for hair and perfuming

Benefits of lavender spray for hair and perfuming

Lavender herb is famous for its fragrant smell and calming properties, but do you know the benefits of this herb for your hair and what hair problems it helps treat? Learn how to prepare lavender spray for hair softness and fragrance.

the components

Boiled water
3 oranges
2 tablespoons lavender oil
2 tablespoons coconut oil

How to prepare

Prepare a pot with 3 cups of water and leave it on the fire until it boils.
Cut the orange into small pieces and dip it in water.
Leave the pot until it boils on the fire, then raise it.
Using a clean strainer, strain the orange mixture until you get a somewhat sticky lotion.
Transfer to a clean bowl and add lavender oil and coconut oil.
Stir the ingredients together, then pour it into a clean, airtight bottle.
Shake the bottle well before each use and enjoy soft and shiny hair always.
Use this bottle for a maximum of one week and then re-make a new, clean bottle.


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