
The miracle and benefits of vitamin F for the skin

The miracle and benefits of vitamin F for the skin

The skin care field is developing every day at a phenomenal speed, perhaps even faster than the development of social media. One of these developments in the benefits of vitamin F for your skin.? Once vitamin F was discovered, it caused a lot of buzz in the world of beauty care, and certainly vitamins in general carry many benefits for the body. Because vitamin F is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which makes it a wonderful ingredient for your skin. We will talk together in this article about the benefits of vitamin F for the skin, what is vitamin F, how to use it and the sources of obtaining it. Away from chemical products and the side effects that can come back to you when using vitamin F wrongly. So that vitamin F is safely included in your skin care routine.


All you need to know about the benefits of vitamin F for the skin

What is vitamin F?

Vitamin F is considered an essential fatty acid. It is a mixture of linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3), which work together to provide many wonderful benefits to the body in general such as anti-inflammatory properties, heart health, mental health, blood sugar control. blood sugar;

You can get vitamin F from multiple food options such as almonds, chia seeds, egg yolks. You can also find it from essential oils such as rose oil, shea oil, argan oil, soybean oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil. It is also found in nuts. And seeds such as sunflower, walnut, almond.

As in these days, vitamin F is available for the skin in the form of creams and oils loaded with vitamin products, but experts advise to get it from natural sources and in case it is difficult to obtain it, it can be resorted to topical application.

1. Protecting the skin from environmental pollutants:

When vitamin F is applied to the skin, it acts as a barrier and an outer layer that protects the skin from environmental pollutants that cause diseases. This layer is called the skin barrier and crosses the essential fatty acids are the basic building blocks of the skin that help heal wounds and cold sores, in addition to the fatty acids protect the skin from harmful factors.


2. Skin Moisturizing:

The main component of vitamin F is ceramides, a waxy substance found in the sebaceous secretions of the skin. Thus, vitamin F moisturizes the skin well and is suitable for people with dry skin. Because dry skin does not produce oily secretions, the skin suffers from dryness and cracks.

3. Fight acne:

Several studies have found that fatty acids reduce the incidence of acne. Since fatty acids are essential for the healthy functions of cells, they treat the damage and damage that occurs. However, you need to consult a dermatologist before applying vitamin F to oily skin because it is a suitable vitamin for dry skin.

4. Helps treat skin infections:

The omega-3 acids present in vitamin F work in the treatment of skin infections such as psoriasis, skin infections, hypersensitivity and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This is one of the primary uses of vitamin F, especially after peeling the skin, because it helps the skin to recover quickly and relieve pain. Some believe that fatty acids are allergic to the skin.


5Reducing signs of aging:

The omega-3 fatty acids present in vitamin F reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines that make the skin look older. When using vitamin F regularly, it helps you get younger skin.

6Sun protection:

When exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, it can result in sunburn. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the negative effects of sunlight on the skin. In addition, the fatty acids present in vitamin F help protect against skin cancer.

7. Treatment of Psoriasis:

Vitamin F may be suitable for all skin types, but it is very suitable for people with sensitive skin. It helps sensitive skin in treating skin infections such as psoriasis because it has strong anti-inflammatory properties.


8. Get glowing skin:

One of the benefits that many women seek to achieve is to have a shiny and glowing skin. When the skin gets the acids needed for hydration, it treats dryness that makes the skin dull. The skin begins to glow as soon as a few days have passed from the application of vitamin F, so we advise you to incorporate fatty acids into your skin care routine.

9. Prevent skin irritation:

Vitamin F contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that acts as a soothing agent for sensitive and irritated skin. This makes the skin look dull and dull and results in a lot of skin disorders.

10Treatment of skin defects:

If you have a lot of skin related problems like acne, lines. Vitamin F can help you reduce blemishes and blemishes by 25% with continued topical application of Vitamin F for a month.


Sources of Vitamin F for the skin:

  • Almond oil: 7 grams of almond oil contains 15 ml of vitamin F.
  • Corn oil: 7 grams of corn oil contains 15 ml of vitamin F.
  • Almonds: 3.5 grams of almonds contain 1 ounce of vitamin F.
  • Flaxseeds: 6.5 grams of flaxseeds contain 1 ounce of vitamin F.
  • Walnuts: 2.5 grams of walnuts contain 1 ounce of vitamin F.
  • Chia seed oil: 7 grams of chia seed oil contains 15 ml of vitamin F.
  • Olive oil: 10 grams of olive oil contains 15 ml of vitamin F.
  • Sunflower seeds: 11 grams of sunflower seeds contain 1 ounce.

How to include vitamin F in your skin care routine?

It is very easy to include Vitamin F in your skin care routine because it is very suitable for daily use. We recommend using it twice a day, in the morning and evening. For the amazing benefits it offers to the skin.


Vitamin P for the skin

Vitamin P for the skin

Initial steps:

Cleaning the face using a skin wash that contains Myslic, a crystal liquid that helps you get clean and fresh skin, which makes it the ideal wash for a quick daily routine if you have a lot of tasks in your daily schedule or want to easily remove makeup at night. You can use the pomegranate skin wash to regulate and renew cells and get a brighter complexion. Hyaluronic acid penetrates the skin and moisturizes it from the inside, thus filling in fine lines and wrinkles in the skin.

Vitamin P for the skin

You can simply put vitamin F on the skin on the face and neck using a cotton swab made of bamboo, which is a natural, environmentally friendly ingredient, and you can reuse it to remove makeup from the face and neck.

The second step:


Strengthen your skin by applying vitamin C and the Ritwell product, because these elements make the skin obtain a wide range of vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E, thus leaving the skin more radiant and providing anti-aging benefits by increasing collagen production 

Just put two drops of the oil on the skin and massage gently. Another way to enhance the benefits of vitamin F is to add vitamin F capsules to your moisturizer. All you have to do is mix two drops of vitamin C serum with the Ruytol product in the moisturizer between the palms of your hands before application. direct to your face.

Vitamin P for the skin

The third step:

Applying a face cream that contains organic argan oil is  rich in amino acids, which gives you a more youthful skin because it gives the skin deep hydration.

How to include vitamin F in your diet?

Although topical application can give faster results, we do not dispense with the inclusion of vitamin F in your diet, and eating a healthy diet helps you get more beautiful skin from the inside and outside, and to get more benefits of vitamin F for the skin, you can fill a plate of almonds and seeds Chia and avocado and eat it as a light salad dish, you can enjoy the cosmetic benefits of it.


What happens when you suffer from a vitamin F deficiency?

Vitamin F deficiency is not a common phenomenon, but if a person does not get enough vitamin F, he may suffer from apparent problems such as dry skin  , hair loss, dandruff, cracks in the skin, and skin ulcers. There is a group of other effects associated with a lack of vitamins, which are slow growth in children, delayed wound healing, and increased chances of infection.

What Products Can You Find Vitamin F?

Vitamin F consists of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. It is not for topical application or to be applied in a specific place. They are necessary elements to maintain the health of the skin by protecting against infections and eliminating acne. Therefore, products containing essential fatty acids are important in the treatment of various skin problems.

Who can use vitamin F?

Vitamin F is suitable for all skin types, but it works effectively with people with sensitive skin affected by acne. A study was conducted in 1998, acne sufferers were able to reduce the size of pimples by 25% in less than a month, and cosmetic expert David Bartorell states that vitamin F Suitable for people with psoriasis skin because it helps in regulating the work of cells in a good and healthy way.


When can you apply vitamin F?

When buying a vitamin F product, as you know that many commercial products come with a variety of ingredients, so we advise you to read the labels on the package carefully to know if there is an ingredient that can harm the skin or not, and when using the pure form of vitamin F which is the oil, you must be careful when applying Experts recommend topical application once or twice a day. It is preferable to start with once a day to see how your skin reacts to the product before gradually increasing it. If the product contains retinol or vitamin A, it is best to use it at bedtime because products containing retinol may cause redness or dryness. When used at the wrong time.

What are the side effects of vitamin F?

A group of side effects of vitamin F has not yet been identified, but excessive intake of anything can lead to health problems. Experts suggest that the common ratio of alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid is 4:1.

Usually, you do not need to include vitamin F in your normal diet, but you can resort to it after consulting your doctor, especially if you have health problems or take certain medications, your doctor may want to determine the appropriate dose for you.

And if the product contains other active ingredients like vitamin C and retinol, you may want to be extra careful. For example, retinol is one of the elements that should be used at night at bedtime and it is advised not to use it daily. Therefore, it is best to consult a dermatologist when using such products.

And since more experts are recommending the use of fatty acids for the skin and vitamin F, a combination of essential fatty acids is one of the important elements to get soft, young and supple skin, and start incorporating vitamin F into your skin care routine from today in order to get positive results

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