
Regenera hair technique… all you need to know

Regenera technology  is one of the revolutionary technologies that relies on tissue regeneration and repair of damaged hair follicles, which helps to get rid of the problem of hair loss  permanently, and get long and thick hair. The Regenera technique is very popular due to its effectiveness and its great ability to stimulate hair growth and increase its density. In this article, we will show you everything you need to know about the Regenera technique, its benefits, and how it works.

What is the Regenera technique?

Regenera is a revolutionary hair loss treatment

Regenera is a revolutionary hair loss treatment that works on the hair’s natural regeneration mechanisms. It mainly depends on the use of microscopic injections of stem cells that stimulate hair growth and increase its density, especially in areas of thinning hair that are prone to hair loss. It is mainly based on the principle of hair self-repair, as the cells injected into the scalp are taken from the hair follicles themselves.

How to do it

As mentioned earlier, the Regenera technique relies mainly on the use of microscopic injections of stem cells. Thus, during which a local anesthetic is injected into the scalp from which the follicles will be taken, and then three to four small samples are withdrawn, knowing that this does not cause any pain or discomfort. Then, the follicles are placed with the surrounding skin and fat in the Regenera device for several minutes, where microscopic stem cells and growth factors are extracted from them, and these cells are responsible for stimulating hair growth and reducing hair loss. On the other hand, the Regenera technique takes a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes, and is performed only once a year, and it does not require any rest period or any preventive measures. And you will start to notice the results starting from the seventh week, which will be very visible after three months, as the hair loss will stop permanently and become thick and long.

Can you undergo the Regenera technique?

Regenera technique for all hereditary hair loss cases

Regenera is suitable for all cases of hereditary hair loss, hair loss caused by stress, anxiety and stress. On the other hand, this technique is not suitable for cases of alopecia areata, psoriasis, fungi and inflammatory diseases of the scalp. You also cannot do it if you are pregnant. It is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, and is completely safe.

Important Tips

As we said, the Regenera technique does not require any special procedures, but we advise you to massage the scalp after that, and not to wash the hair within four to six hours of undergoing microscopic injections, as well as washing the hair with water only during the first day of undergoing this technique

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