
Benefits of garlic juice 10 benefits that make it a special juice

Benefits of garlic juice 10 benefits that make it a special juice

Although drinking pure garlic juice is not delicious for many people, the benefits of garlic juice associated with this unique drink cannot be denied. It is a rich source of anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties. Garlic juice also contains: B vitamins, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorous, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc are also full of sulfuric compounds and other volatile acids.


Garlic juice has multiple benefits that include fighting colds, dealing with asthma, improving heart health, supporting the immune system, preventing cancer, maintaining sugar levels, fighting sore throats and coughs, supporting healthy skin and hair, and losing weight.



How do you make garlic juice:


You have to be patient as you can squeeze one kilogram at a time and get about 2 cups of garlic juice so you can store it in the form of ice cubes and use it when needed.


Peel 1 kilo of garlic and wash it well.Then put it in a blender or juicer that rotates for 2-3 minutes.Then extract the resulting water using a strainer and gently press it with a spoon to extract the juice.Then put it in ice molds to prevent oxidation and freeze it.And when you want to use it, remove the ice cubes and you can use it for water and eat it as juice or add it to hot water and healthy gargling or soup Drink a glass of milk after eating garlic juice to suppress bad breath.Garlic juice benefits:1. Garlic juice helps with skin care :


One of the most important benefits of garlic and its juice is that when consuming garlic juice regularly, it helps reduce the symptoms of skin aging, unify the color, prevent inflammatory conditions and reduce the formation of acne thanks to its antioxidant properties. All you have to do is soak a cotton ball in garlic juice, then pass it on your face and wash it. After 5 minutes, you can repeat this procedure until the acne disappears.


2. Garlic juice helps beat colds :


The strong smell of garlic is just one thing, but it is a powerful and active agent against the annoying common cold, and that is what makes it so special. According to a study of 146 volunteers who were in two groups, garlic can strengthen the body against colds. The study, published in Advances in Treatment, gave one group a placebo while the other group received garlic supplements for more than 12 weeks. The garlic group experienced an average of 24 colds while the placebo group contracted 65. Garlic has the property of improving circulation, sweating, and lung health along with its ability to fight viruses. All these properties make it a powerful defense against colds.


3. Garlic juice is very good for asthma .


Garlic juice helps treat asthma and help them breathe easier. Garlic can encourage easy breathing in people with asthma by inhibiting the release of histamine. All you have to do is put a few drops of raw garlic juice with a glass of water and then drink it.


4. Garlic Juice Promotes Heart Health:


Garlic helps maintain your blood pressure and reduce clotting. It also prevents the accumulation of fatty substances in the blood vessels. It also prevents the appearance of plaques inside the arteries, and as a result, it will help prevent strokes and heart attacks as well as helping you fight chronic blood pressure.


5. Garlic juice strengthens the immune system :


Regular consumption helps boost the immune system as it contains the compound alliin, which turns into allicin when chewed or crushed. This compound also contains sulfur, which quickly converts to other disease-fighting compounds that can improve the response of blood cells against certain viruses.


6. Cancer and garlic juice :


Studies have proven that garlic juice helps prevent colon and stomach cancer. It is also a good way to deal with the effects of chemotherapy. It also helps prevent tumor growth and reduce blood pressure.


7. Garlic juice maintains sugar levels .


Garlic helps in maintaining the sugar level in the body through vitamin B6 as this vitamin metabolizes carbohydrates, and when combined with the vitamin C content in garlic, it maintains the blood sugar level in the body.




Garlic juice helps lose weight by consuming garlic juice regularly because it can reduce the effects of bad LDL cholesterol and can increase the metabolic rate and help burn fat faster, when combined with regular exercise and a proper diet.


9. Garlic juice to get rid  of sore throat and cough :


Sore throats and coughs can be very common during winter, but they can also be very annoying, especially if you are someone who uses their voice a lot, like a teacher, garlic juice helps soothe the effects of a cough and sore throat by taking some garlic juice with hot water as you can Even mix it with pomegranate juice to boost its antioxidant capabilities.


10. Helps treat fungal infections:


Raw garlic juice helps treat a variety of fungal infections, including foot fungus, as well as ear and nail infections by consuming a glass of garlic juice daily. Additionally, if you apply this water topically to the affected area, it can relieve Itching and irritation.


Amazing benefits of garlic juice


Health uses of garlic juice: To use garlic juice to reduce a sore throat:Mix pomegranate juice and garlic water to boost its antioxidant capabilities and this will help treat sore throats, coughs, colds and flu.To use garlic juice for asthma:Add 10 drops of garlic water to a glass of water and add two tablespoons of honey and drinking this drink on a daily basis will help prevent asthma.To use garlic juice to soothe insect stings:Dip a cotton swab inside garlic juice and then apply it topically to the affected area. This procedure helps relieve the pain caused by insect stings.To use garlic juice to get rid of lice:Mix garlic juice with lemon juice, then apply it to your hair and scalp, leave it for five to six hours, and then wash it well. You can repeat this procedure for 5 days and you will get rid of lice and enjoy healthy hair .


What are the side effects of garlic juice:Bleeding: The anticoagulant nature of the active ingredients in garlic juice may exacerbate bleeding disorders, so it is advised not to take it before or after surgery, and to avoid using it with other anticoagulant medications.Stomach problems: Avoid consuming garlic juice on an empty stomach, as it may cause stomach irritation, diarrhea, gas formation, weight loss, nausea, cramping, dizziness or headache when taken in a concentrated dose

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