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Collagen benefits for skin


Collagen mask for the face, collagen is one of the most important elements in the human body, as it plays an effective role in maintaining the freshness of the skin and making it more youthful, there are many natural mixtures such as collagen mask for the face that can be prepared at home as it enhances the percentage of collagen in the skin,

What is Collagen Face Mask

Collagen is one of the most important and common proteins in the human body, where it represents the percentage of collagen to 30% in the human body, the collagen works to regulate the work of blood vessels and their lack in the human body affects the health of the skin negative and some other aesthetic problems as it affects the hair, where 

Causes of collagen deficiency 

There are many factors that lead to collagen deficiency among the most important of these causes:

Aging and hormonal changes caused by aging. 

Some environmental factors such as direct exposure to sunlight severe harmful. 

Sleep for short periods of time. 

Stress and stress that leads to the appearance of pale skin.

Lack of vitamin C in the human body. 

The benefits of collagen for the skin

There are many benefits of collagen for the skin among the main ones :

Collagen works to maintain skin smoothness and elasticity in addition to making it bright, fresh and more vibrant. 

Collagen serves to form the basic skin structure. 

Works to close the open pores and get rid of them. 

It also works to fight bacteria and cleanse the skin, and it also works to get rid of annoying skin infections. 

Works collagen to get rid of lines and wrinkles, as collagen works to fill wrinkle lines in the face in addition to looseness of skin skin. 

Collagen also works to remove the effects of wounds and scars from pimples and acne. 

Collagen makes the skin fresher and more fresh. 

Some home blends to make collagen face mask

Collagen mask is one of the most important useful things for the skin, and we will offer you some natural home mixtures to make collagen mask for the face of the most important of these mixtures:

1. Collagen mask for skin and coconut oil

These masks are important for Skin Recovery and these steps you can follow:


Coconut oil natural. 

Method of use

Before going to sleep massage your skin with a little coconut oil. 

Leave on the skin all night. 

In the morning wash the face with water filters, then repeat this mask daily to maintain a healthy skin. 

For coconut oil to play its effective role, Take 3 tablespoons of it daily to get rid of wrinkles and keep your skin young. 

2. Collagen mask for skin from pineapple and vitamin C

Mask of a strong and effective works to tighten the skin and increase collagen in the skin, here’s my steps:


3 pieces of Iced Pineapple. 

One pill of vitamin C. 

A glass of coconut water. 

Method of use

Mix all the above ingredients in a blender to get the mixture cohesive. 

Then apply a collagen mask to the skin and leave for at least 10 minutes on the skin. 

Finally wash your skin with filtered water. 

3. Avocado oil collagen mask 

Avocado oil is one of the powerful catalysts of collagen in the skin, it also works to get rid of the signs of aging and mild dryness.:


One grain of avocado fruit. 

Spoon of avocado oil. 

Method of use

First mix the avocado grain with the avocado oil well. 

Then apply to the skin for at least 10 minutes. 

In the end, wash my face with lukewarm water. 

4. Peach face collagen mask

Peach on the production of collagen in more quantities in the epidermis, you can follow the following steps:


3 fresh peaches. 

A spoonful of coconut oil. 

A spoonful of coffee. 

Method of use

Get a bowl and mashed the plums well, then add the amount of coffee oil used well. 

Apply collagen mask for skin and leave for about 15 minutes. 

At the end, wash the face thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Repeat this collagen mask once a week for best results. 

5. Cream Collagen Face Mask

Synths many benefits on your skin, where it works to lighten the skin and make it more freshness, it will offer to the steps that must be followed for Mask Collagen Skin Cream:


One fruit of cream. 

2 teaspoons of almond oil. 

Method of use

First remove the Black Pulp from the inside of the cream and mash well. 

After that add almond oil and vinegar well until the mixture is creamy and. 

Apply the mixture to your skin and leave for at least 15 minutes. 

In the end, wash your face thoroughly after time with lukewarm water.

6. Date face collagen mask

Dates are also collagen-enhancing elements, and these are the steps to make a collagen mask from dates:


Spoon of date kernel powder.

2 tablespoon of natural bee honey. 

Method of use

Mix date powder with natural bee honey with good mixing. 

Put the mixture on your skin for at least 10 minutes. 

After the passage of time wash your skin with lukewarm water. 

You can use a moisturizing cream to paint your skin. 

In addition to all of the above, collagen must be consumed either through collagen-rich foods or through capsules that you can buy at the pharmacy with the use of collagen-rich creams in order to get a more youthful, vibrant and fresh skin.

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