
Polishing lips with beetroot and making them shiny naturally

If you are tired of spending money on lipstick to get pink lips, why not think about resorting to natural and home solutions, which are completely safe and 100% effective? .

Lip gloss with beetroot

And today you need to renew and get soft lips and rosy lips, just like children. Therefore, we offer you a magical ingredient, the natural beetroot root, which gives the skin a pink color and softness, as it is characterized as a natural, safe and inexpensive makeup for the lips. In addition, it contains a high amount of antioxidants useful in reducing the appearance of early signs of aging, regardless of How to use it will help you get a bright and glowing skin. Antioxidants also work to get rid of acne and pimples by eliminating toxins in the skin. And if you want to learn how to polish your lips with beetroot, get to know them with us in the information mentioned below.

Items required for this:

  • Half a medium-sized beetroot.
  • Coconut Oil .
  • Blender .
  • Colander .
  • small bowl.

 Steps to use beetroot on the lips:

Follow these steps to get soft, pink lips like a baby:

Lip gloss with beetroot 2The first step :

Start by washing the beetroot well with plain water, then peeling the outer skin using a vegetable peeler, then cut the beetroot into small pieces suitable for placing in the blender. After placing the beetroot cubes in the bowl of the electric mixer, you can run the mixer until the beetroot turns into a liquid. It is preferable not to add water to the beetroot so as not to reduce its color.

The second step :

After that, put the strainer on an empty container and start pouring the liquid beetroot to filter and get the beetroot liquid free of any lumps, and immediately after that you can transfer the beetroot to the storage container and get enough quantity for use and keep the remaining quantity for future use.

Taking care to clean the storage container well before adding the beetroot to avoid bacterial infection. You can clean it with dishwashing detergent or sprinkle a little alcohol inside to get it completely clean.

The third step :

Add about a teaspoon of coconut oil to the beetroot because it smells very good and works as an effective moisturizer for the lips. The same results for moisturizing the lips.

Now prepare a small spoon to mix the mixture well and put the storage container in the refrigerator. It is a safe mixture of moisturizing lips and without any preservatives, and we advise here to store it in the refrigerator to keep it as long as possible.

You can apply this mixture on the lips in the morning and evening, daily, and for a week, you will notice a significant change in the color of the lips, as they will become pink and softer. When you put beetroot on the lips and leave it for 5-15 minutes, it makes the lips take a reddish plum color, which lasts for hours on the lips.

And now share your tips about is this mixture really useful? Do you know any other natural way to get pink lips?


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