
The Best Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

The Best Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

Having a routine or setting one up has always been a way to function as a human. Your daily duties from eating to sleeping is a pattern that might get mixed up sometimes, but follow up as a routine. Skincare is no exception and requires us to practice a regime to get the glass-like skin we so desire. Isn’t washing my face enough, you ask? No, there is a method that you should follow to achieve glowy and clear skin. Taking extra good care of your skin is a way of pampering yourself.

Anti-aging is a concept new but well received by the youth. It is a process to prevent aging, and for some, it reverses the signs. People in their mid-twenties and above are said to use anti-aging products as a cautionary form of prevention. A routine that sets up during the mid-twenties is known to have a long-lasting impact is keeping youthful skin.

The steps and products that can help maintain the youthful glow of your skin are:

Face wash

Washing your face twice with a gentle cleanser helps remove the dirt accumulated over the day. It is necessary to clean your face as it also gets rid of the oil produced during the day, which causes acne and increases sebum production.


The next step is to tone, and what better way to tone than using rose water. Rose Water has known benefits to calm irritated skin and hydrate. Toning also prepares your skin for the next steps.


The third step in the routine follows with moisturizing which is avoided by many. Keeping your skin moisturized will ensure the hydration stays intact. Just think of it this way, dry skin is the reason people get wrinkles. Mouturization is the only way to help prevent those wrinkles, giving a smooth texture to your skin.


Oils are a rich source of keeping your skin hydrated. It might be intimidating with so many oils available in the market, but every oil has different properties tackling different skin concerns. Some of the oils can be obtained in combination with others as well.


Retinol is by far the most celebrated product recommended, prescribed, and loved by many. Retinol is an effective way of boosting collagen production, which then prevents you from getting wrinkles. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines, which come early in the process of aging.


Niacinamide is a gentle product that has evolved to attain a reputation of working wonders on skin by clearing out acne while providing hydration to the skin. This oil is the holy grail for someone with acne-prone skin. The texture of this oil is on the lighter side, which results in not clogging the pores.

Salicylic acid

When speaking about anti-aging, salicylic acid is a product that works on the texture of the skin. This oil tends to reduce the appearance of the pores and gets rid of blackheads, leaving behind smooth & supple skin.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid helps the skin generate a natural glow by improving blood circulation, leaving behind dewy skin.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps brighten the skin by reducing acne scars and hyperpigmentation. It evens the tone and provides radiant-looking youthful skin.


The cream is the topcoat you use after applying face oils. It keeps everything intact by creating a barrier between SPF and oils. A light coat of cream locks the moisture and retains it.


The most crucial step that everyone needs to follow is applying sunscreen every single day. Sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays that causes wrinkle and damages the skin. So, it is a must-have product for a successful skincare routine.

Face Masks

Face masks are best for detoxifying the extra build-up generated over the week. It also gives an at-home spa feels on the days when you might need a little extra love. Use it once a week for deep cleaning of pores or as necessary.

Clovia Botaniqa skincare range is an ayurvedic solution to all skin-related concerns. The products are naturally made and are free from chemicals, parabens, and toxins. Formulated with natural ingredients, Clovia Botaniqa helps repair damage skin by providing an added boost of suppleness.

Who does not enjoy looking young at all times? Skincare routine helps reverse the sign of aging or prevent them, as this route is safer in the longer run. You can too attain plump-looking skin by just having a skincare regimen that is best suitable for your skin type.

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