Amazing beauty secrets of dried apricots!

Dried apricots or mashed apricots come in second place after dates on the tables of fasting people who begin their breakfast with a piece of it.


Or Qamar al-Din juice because of its great benefits to the health of the fasting person, as it prevents the feeling of thirst, calms the nerves, facilitates the digestion process, and treats anemia.




Here, my dear, are some of the most important aesthetic benefits of dried apricots on your skin:


Dried apricots are among the fruits rich in iron and vitamins.


Especially vitamins A and B, as these vitamins moisturize the intestines and protect them from inflammation


This reflects positively on the beauty of your skin, gives it hydration as well, and fights dryness due to lack of water in the body.




We advise you to eat it when you drink it, or you can replace it with Qamar al-Din juice because it contains this type of fruit


It contains vitamin A, which is known for its therapeutic effect on skin problems such as acne and eczema.




Apricots provide the body with vitamin C, which is necessary for healthy, fresh skin and combating wrinkles.




Dried apricots are rich in antioxidants, which work to remove toxins and harmful substances that accumulate in the body


The intestines and digestive system, which gives your skin purity, reduces the risk of aging, and helps make the skin look bright and firm.




After all these wonderful benefits, what do you think about enriching your table with dried apricots instead of sweets?

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