Beware of vitamin D deficiency because it causes death  

Beware of vitamin D deficiency because it causes death




A study has proven that a deficiency in vitamin D causes death, and nutritionist and member of the American Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, Ruba Asmar, explains its importance to the body and warns against excess. She explains that cholesterol and sun constitute vitamin D in the body, stressing that all Lebanese suffer from a deficiency of it despite their daily exposure to the sun, for reasons that are still unknown to this day.


Benefits of Vitamin D:

Nutritionist Ruba Asmar says that vitamin D is necessary for the growth of human bones, because it helps the body absorb calcium, which is responsible for ensuring a healthy and sound structure for human bones. It is also:

• Protects the infant from the development of diabetes.

• Protects against lung cancer.

• Protects the immune system: In a study published in May 2012 in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, it was found that a deficiency in the amount of vitamin D weakens the immune system.

• Reduces respiratory infections: A study published in September 2012 in the American medical journal Pediatrics confirmed that vitamin D protects against colds, coughs, and all types of respiratory infections in the winter.

• It helps the patient recover from diseases: A study published in September 2012 in the American medical journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that vitamin D helps the patient regain his health and recover quickly from an illness that befell him.

As for a deficiency in vitamin D, it weakens the bones and makes them more thin and sometimes deformed. The specialist adds that it is possible for a person to develop a cold, cancer, and autism due to this deficiency. It also weakens human immunity, raises blood pressure, and causes heart disease.


Vitamin D deficiency causes death:

A team of researchers at the University of California School of Medicine discovered that someone who suffers from a deficiency in the amount of vitamin D in the blood is twice as likely to die than someone who has enough of it.

This study, which was published on June 12, 2014 in the American Journal of Public Health, is based on 32 previous studies that were concerned with analyzing vitamin D, examining blood levels, and inferring the human mortality rate. The specific type of vitamin D in question is 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which is the primary form of the vitamin found in the blood.

This study has shown that vitamin D deficiency in the body (an amount less than 30 mg/ml) is not caused by any specific reasons and that it not only causes bone diseases but also causes early death. On the other hand, it confirms that a person can take a large amount of vitamin D per day, approximately 4,000 IU, without this having side effects on his health, provided that he consults a doctor.

Nutritionist Ruba Asmar confirms the validity of this study and adds that it is not only a deficiency in vitamin D that causes death, but also an excess of it. She explains that vitamin D, unlike other types of vitamins, does not come out with urine, but rather remains in the body and turns into toxins, causing what is known as hypervitaminosis D (i.e., vitamin D poisoning).


Foods rich in vitamin D:

• Sardines: Protects bones and the immune system.

• Somon: Rich in vitamin D.

• Egg yolk: is the main source of it.

In the end, nutritionist Ruba Asmar advises that it is necessary to check the amount of vitamin D in the body from year to year to ensure that its level is normal. It stresses the need to be exposed to the sun’s rays daily for 10 minutes without wearing sunscreen and by sitting directly under it (not through the window). It is also recommended to eat food rich in it and to take nutritional supplements while eating

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