
Why Does the Body Need Oil? What Happens when You Don’t Consume Enough Oil?

Why Does the Body Need Oil? What Happens when You Don’t Consume Enough Oil?

When it comes to nutrition, we all know how bad a reputation fat has. But adding healthy fat to your nutrition list won’t make you gain weight. As long as you consume in moderation of course. Healthy fats are an important part of diets. Because the body needs fat for many different biological processes. Therefore, not getting enough fat can keep the body from functioning in a healthy way and cause various health problems in the long term. Why does your body need oil? How do you know if you are not consuming enough oil? We have done some research on the subject for you. Here’s what you need to know…


Why does the body need oil?


The body needs healthy fats for many biological processes. Some of the key roles fat plays in your body include:


Ensures vitamin absorption: Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble. So if you consume these vitamins only in combination with fat, your body can absorb these vitamins. If you do not consume enough fat, you may experience a lack of these vitamins. This can also cause some health problems.


Supports cell formation: The fat is found in the structure of the outer membrane of every cell that forms in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to consume healthy fats in a measured way for the cells to regenerate.


Protects brain and eye health: Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain brain, central nervous system and retinal health. The body cannot produce these fatty acids itself. Therefore, it should be taken from the outside through nutrition.


Wound healing: Essential fatty acids play an important role in the healing of wounds and the clotting of blood.


Hormone production: Our body needs healthy fats to produce testosterone and estrogen hormones. When not enough fat is consumed, hormone production may decrease.


Energy source: Each gram of fat consumed provides the body with 9 calories of energy. For comparison, each gram of protein or carbohydrate provides only 4 calories of energy.


What are the types of dietary fats, what fats should you consume?


We can basically divide the fats used in foods into four categories: Trans fats, saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats.


Trans fats: Trans fats found in hydrogenated oils are the least healthy type of fat for the body. These oils are often used to enhance the flavor and shelf life of processed foods. The body does not need trans fats. Consuming trans fats too often; may increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Processed foods (plated corn, crackers, etc.), baked goods (packaged cake, cookies, etc.), fried foods (patates fries, etc.Trans fat is found in foods such as ) and margarine. You can read the list of ingredients on the package to find out if these products contain trans fats.


Saturated fats: This group of fats is mostly found in animal foods such as meat, eggs and dairy products. Saturated fats tend to be solid at room temperature. Experts recommend getting less than 10% of the daily calories from saturated fats.


Unsaturated monounsaturated fat: Experts say that monounsaturated fats help to lower bad cholesterol in the blood. These oils are liquid at room temperature. Such as olive oil and sesame oil. Apart from these, there are also monounsaturated fats in nuts, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, cashews and avocados.


Polyunsaturated fat: Polyunsaturated fat, also known as essential oils, cannot be produced by the body. Therefore, it must be taken from the outside through nutrition. From polyunsaturated fats Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and balance heartbeats. Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel are rich in flaxseeds, chia kernels and walnut omega-3 fatty acids.


Experts say that in order to maintain health; we should consume single and polyunsaturated fats more often.


How do you know if you are not consuming enough oil


People who follow a balanced and nutritious diet list are very unlikely to have a fat deficiency. However, some specific causes can cause a lack of fat in your body: eating disorders, colectomy, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic insufficiency, low-fat diets. If you do not consume enough fat or the amount of fat in your body is low due to an illness, some symptoms begin to appear.


Vitamin deficiencies: The body needs fat to absorb vitamins A, D, E and K. Lack of these essential vitamins can cause the following symptoms: Swollen gums, night blindness, dry hair, depression, muscle pain, bruising on the body, more difficult healing of wounds.


Dermatitis: Many studies show that healthy fats are an important part of cells. At the same time, these oils help the skin to maintain its moisture barrier. When there is not enough fat in your body, skin health problems such as dermatitis can occur. Dermatitis is most often manifested by dry and scaly skin rashes.


Hair loss: Fat molecules called prostaglandin in the body support hair growth. Therefore, the reduction of fat molecules increases the risk of hair or eyebrows falling out.


Getting sick often: Excessively lowering fat intake can cause a weakening of the immune system. This means that you will get sick more often. The body needs fat to stimulate immune cells and produce molecules. Essential fatty acids in particular play an important role in activating immune cells.


Experts recommend that you get 35% of your daily calories from healthy fats. So how to calculate this: on a 2500-calorie diet, you can consume 97 grams of healthy fat per day, on a 2000-calorie diet, 66 grams per day, on a 1500-calorie diet, about 50 grams per day.



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