
6 Effective Ways to Prevent Wrinkles and Sagging in the Neck Area

6 Effective Ways to Prevent Wrinkles and Sagging in the Neck Area

Just like our face, our neck also begins to wrinkle due to environmental and genetic factors. Most of the time, we take precautions for hair whitening and wrinkles on the face. But when we do not show the same care to our neck, all efforts are inconclusive. Because even though we somehow alleviate the wrinkles or sags on the face, the sagging on the neck causes the youth glow to fade. What can be done for wrinkles and sagging on the neck? We have done a detailed research on the subject for you. Here are 7 tips to prevent sagging and wrinkles in the neck…


1. Be careful of your sleeping position


Sleeping position can cause premature aging in the neck area. For example, sleeping on the side or face causes the neck to fold. This leads to wrinkles on the skin over time. According to experts, the best way to prevent neck wrinkles is to sleep on your back.


2. Check out your nutrition list


Foods rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene can prevent skin aging. Yellow-orange fruits and vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, grapefruit, are rich in carotenoids, which keep cells young.


3. Add the neck area to your skin care routine


Most women practice their skin care routine up to the chin line. When applying creams and serums to your skin, you should not neglect your neck. Moisturize your neck every day with your face. Do not forget to apply sunscreen as well. Keeping the skin moist and protecting it against sun rays helps to maintain tightness in the neck area.


4. By getting a massage of your body collagen increase production


If you want to have a beautiful skin while you feel relaxed, massage sessions are for you! Massages trigger the production of collagen, which helps cells regenerate. Facial massage also improves blood circulation. Without forgetting, you can do your own massage by walking your pinky finger in the neck area with movements from top to bottom.


5. Keep your neck straight when looking at the phone


Looking at the phone from above causes the neck to wrinkle. When this movement is repeated continuously, the lines deepen and lead to permanent wrinkles. Experts say that you should not bend your neck while using the phone. If you look at the phone at a straight angle, you can get rid of both neck pains and wrinkles.


6. Do simple exercises to prevent neck sagging


It is possible to prevent neck wrinkles with simple exercises. These exercises help to tighten your muscles and improve blood circulation. When done regularly, it can prevent sagging skin on the neck. Here is one of the exercises that experts recommend most often:


Sit with your back straight, slowly lifting your head back so that your jaw shows the ceiling. Then make a chewing move with your mouth closed and repeat this 20 times.



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