Fat-burning supplements cause liver damage

The New York Times reported that a high school student from Texas suffered severe liver damage after using a concentrated extract of green tea, which he was using to burn fat, noting that his injury led to his being put on the waiting list for a new liver transplant.


The newspaper says that recent data indicate that this student’s case is not unique, as it was found that fat-burning nutritional supplements are among about 20% of drug-related liver injuries, representing a 7% increase compared to ten years ago, according to an analysis conducted by the network. National liver specialists.


She points out that the research included only cases of severe liver damage, who were directed to a representative group of hospitals across the country. While many patients recovered once they stopped taking nutritional supplements and received appropriate treatment, a few required liver transplants or died from liver failure.


Researchers say that teenagers are not the only consumers at risk, as many middle-aged women who resort to nutritional supplements for burning fat and losing weight are also at risk. Dr. Herbert Bonkowski, director of the Laboratory of Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Disorders at Carolinas, warned against these fat-burning supplements, saying, “They are monsters.”

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