Standing while working helps in losing weight

There is no doubt that sitting at work for long periods has many harmful effects, the most important of which are obesity and heart disease. This was confirmed by a recent medical study conducted by British researchers at the University of Chester, where the study stated that standing while working for 3 hours a day burns about 8 kg of fat annually. Researchers confirm that high and elevated desks help employees stand all the time, which helps them lose weight easily




The study stated that employees who sit at their desks for hours on end should consider the idea of ​​standing from time to time, based on the writer Ernest Hemingway, who loved to stand on his feet while composing something new. Dr. John Buckley, Department of Clinical Sciences and Nutrition at the University of Chester, said: Switching from the idea of ​​sitting to doing office work by standing will reduce obesity, and consume approximately 144 calories.


Improving blood circulation




In another study, the American Cancer Society confirmed that those who sit behind a desk for more than six hours are vulnerable to obesity, heart disease, and cancer, and said that these people have an increased chance of dying early compared to those who sit for 3 hours a day or less.




The study recommended that people whose working conditions prevent them from…


Practicing exercise on a regular basis by moving around the office and talking to colleagues directly instead of using messaging programs and internal conversations, standing while answering phone calls, and walking outside the building.




On the other hand, the study recommended avoiding prolonged looking at the computer screen and taking a rest while working to give the eye the opportunity to blink naturally and avoid constantly staring at the computer screen.


Finally, if you are an office worker, be sure to follow the study’s recommendations to maintain your weight and health.

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