How to use coffee and starch face mask

The coffee and starch face mask is one of the best options that helps you get rid of impurities in the skin and restores its freshness and radiance in simple steps.

Note that it differs from the benefits of the cucumber and starch face mask.


This mask has antioxidant properties and exfoliates to remove dead cells and clean pores, leaving the skin soft and radiant.


What are the benefits of coffee?


Coffee has many benefits for the face when used in your beauty care, so we have chosen for you some of the main benefits and their effects on your skin.

It contains small granules that help exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells, which helps improve the appearance of the skin and make it brighter and smoother.

Its composition is distinguished by containing antioxidants such as polyphenols and caffeine, which help combat damage resulting from free radicals and thus delay the signs of premature aging.

Massaging the skin with products enhances Coffee flows blood and oxygen to the skin, which improves blood circulation and enhances its radiance and elasticity.

Caffeine stimulates fluid drainage and reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. It also enhances skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

A coffee mask can be used to lighten and unify the skin color, as it has whitening properties. A natural remedy that reduces the appearance of dark spots and skin pigmentation

Benefits of starch for the skin


Starch is a natural ingredient used in a variety of skin care products, and it has many benefits for the face, some of which are as follows:


Absorption of excess oil: Starch naturally absorbs excess oil in the skin, and helps you control skin shine.

Soothing: Starch helps soothe sensitive skin, and is an ideal choice for people with sensitive skin, redness, or mild inflammation

Pore cleansing: It has Starch has effective absorption properties, and therefore it can be used in facial masks to clean pores with a natural mixture and remove accumulated impurities and dirt.

Unifying skin tone: Starch can help unify skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots and skin pigmentation, and is used in the formulation of some products to lighten the skin and give it a brighter appearance. And a glow. Gentle exfoliation:

Starch acts as a gentle exfoliant for the skin. It can be used in masks to remove dead cells, improve skin texture and soften it.


How to use a coffee and starch mask


Today we will reveal to you this set of steps that will help you enjoy the benefits of the coffee and starch face mask, making it one of the ideal options for you:


In a small bowl, mix the coffee powder and starch together until they are evenly distributed. Gradually add pure water or rose water to the mixture and mix until you obtain a homogeneous, spreadable dough.

Use your fingers or a designated brush to distribute the mask evenly on your face and neck, avoiding the eye and lip area.

Leave the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes until it dries and dries. After the mask dries, gently massage the face in circular motions for a minute or two.

This helps stimulate blood circulation and achieve a gentle exfoliating effect. Rinse your face well with warm water to completely remove the mask.

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