
The authority of celebrities and stars helps you lose weight

The authority of celebrities and stars helps you lose weight

Salad is one of the main dishes in all diet and weight loss systems, as it contains fresh vegetables that help burn extra calories, and increase the metabolism (burning) rate, which helps the body get rid of accumulated fats, improve digestion, in addition to vitamins and minerals necessary for health General and vital. Here is a salad for the diet, which many stars have tried, it contains various vegetables, and a special sauce that contains vinegar, which increases the rate of fat burning, and the loss of additional calories, and you can eat this salad several times a day with your diet, to get The fastest and easiest way to lose weight at a rate of 4 kilograms per week.


> Ingredients:




Lettuce (about half a large lettuce or iceberg lettuce).

> Spinach (green leaves with the same amount of lettuce).>

>a green capsicum.>

>2 option.>

4 radishes (to slim the buttocks).>

>Half a head of red onion.>

>Faka cup (potato-like plant).>

>2 tomatoes.


>1 cup of broccoli florets.>

>Half a cup of carrots.>


> method:>

> Cut all the vegetables and mix them, keep them in an airtight nylon bag in the fridge >


>– Prepare a one-day supply only.>


>To prepare the sauce:>

>- 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, and if it is not available, you can use white or red vinegar.>

>- One tablespoon of mustard (regular or hot).>

>- One tablespoon of minced ginger, or half a tablespoon of ground ginger.>

>- One tablespoon of sesame oil or olive oil.>

>- A medium head of minced garlic, with the addition of chopped green parsley or mint.>

>It is better not to use salt and only a light sprinkle is enough. You can prepare a plate of this salad and add a little sauce >

> And eat it directly fresh.

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