


Spices, in addition to flavoring our recipes, because they are rich in precious properties, help improve our state of health. They are very useful for making foods healthier, so much so that they play an important role in the prevention of various diseases.

Spices also help regulate cholesterol and blood sugars, helping us digest, heal the gut and strengthen the immune system.
Among the best-known spices are ginger, cinnamon, chili, turmeric, etc.

Ginger has wondrous effects. Thanks to its content in gingerols, molecules responsible for the pungent taste, it has an anti-emetic and digestive action with beneficial effects on the stomach. It can help prevent and treat sore throats, colds, and flu.
The main function of ginger is to regulate blood sugar (glycemia). To this must be added the digestive, antibacterial, antifungal properties and the good antioxidant action and inhibiting effect on Helicobacter pylori.

Turmeric is a spice of oriental origin, known for its anti-inflammatory, hepatic, and gastroprotective indications. Helps strengthen the immune system.

A pinch of red pepper gives flavor and spiciness to the food. Thanks to capsaicin it improves blood circulation, but it can be useful for the intestine and digestion.
Chilli also helps to thin the phlegm and increase resistance to infections.

Among other spices, we remember cumin for its immunostimulating and preventive effect in osteoporosis.
Cloves, on the other hand, are considered beneficial by natural medicine to relieve pain related to arthritis, cardamom for its action against colds.

Last, not least saffron. Rich in beneficial properties, it is useful for counteracting mood disorders and stomach cramps.
Reduces PMS symptoms, helps memory. It possesses antioxidant properties.

In short, there is plenty of choices to make our dishes even more complete.
Finally, it should be emphasized that spices are cheap and there is something for everyone. It is very difficult not to find one capable of satisfying our tastes.

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