How do you choose the right acids for your skin type?

It’s no secret that acids are the foundations of a successful skincare routine, but using them in the wrong areas or with strong products can render them useless, or make the skin’s moisture barrier worse, it’s important to know the rules of the game right.

For a healthy and effective skin routine, you should include acids in your daily routine, but how do you know the best acids suitable for your skin type, and what is the difference between alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids, follow this report.


What is the difference between alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acid?

There is a lot of talk about AHAs and BHAs when discussing acids in skin care, but what do they do?

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are water-soluble, and primarily treat the surface of the skin, which makes them excellent for exfoliating the upper part of the skin later to reveal radiance and even skin tone, while Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) penetrate more deeply and are able to open pores and remove excess oil. Which makes it a great choice for acne sufferers.

There are many alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids, but here’s what you have:

Alpha hydroxy acids:

1. Glycolic acid

A common chemical exfoliant, you’ll likely find glycolic acid in exfoliation products and toners, and it helps remove dead skin cells, revealing new layers of skin underneath, and gives you a radiant complexion.

Glycolic acid is also able to stimulate collagen production to help promote fresher, younger-looking skin, but you should start with small amounts, especially if you have sensitive skin.


2. Lactic acid

Lactic acid is best used for youthful-looking skin, it speeds up cell turnover and stimulates cell renewal for smoother skin, it’s also great for improving skin moisture levels, all of which leads to younger looking skin.


beta hydroxy acids

1. Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is an exfoliant that penetrates the skin layer, helping to open pores and remove dead skin cells and excess sebum, and is excellent at reducing inflammation in the skin, which helps improve overall skin health.


2. Hyaluronic acid?

Although technically an acid, hyaluronic acid is praised for its ability to hydrate rather than exfoliate, and as a humectant, it is able to lock in and retain moisture, making it excellent for most skin types, especially dry skin. The hydrating and plumping effect of hyaluronic acid makes it an excellent anti-aging serum. for aging too.

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