
The fastest recipes for fattening the face

The fastest recipes for fattening the face

The fastest recipes for fattening the face, get them from natural ingredients and ingredients to inflate the face quickly in one week. Now you will not need capsules to fatten the face in order to get rid of its annoying thinness. Follow with us dear details of the following article and get natural mixtures to achieve your goal easily.


The fastest proven recipes for fattening the face naturally


In order to get soft and plump cheeks and a chubby face, apply one of the following recipes:


Yogurt and besan flour to increase the size of the cheeks and fatten the face

Follow the following recipe and thus you will get a chubby face and full, rosy and soft cheeks thanks to the lactic acid in yogurt. It has many benefits such as exfoliating and nourishing the skin, as it is a natural filler. Mix two tablespoons of yogurt with the same amount of besan flour, leave the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off with cold water. Repeat the recipe for fattening the face twice a week.


Facial massage with shea butter for fuller cheeks


The acids present in natural shea butter improve the elasticity of the skin. It is considered as a filler or Botox for the cheeks. In order to get a plump and plump face, massage it with shea butter from the bottom up the face for 10-15 minutes. In order to get quick results, apply a shea butter massage from 2-3 times a week.





Glycerin and rose water solution for face fattening


In order to get a full face in one week. We offer you a proven recipe that is easy to prepare that promotes blood circulation. Thus, it increases the size of the face. Make a solution of 2 tablespoons of medical glycerin with 3 tablespoons of rose water. Massage your face in circular motions with the solution at night, then in the morning wash your face with lukewarm water.


Carrots and cucumbers, a proven and quick recipe for fattening the face


Prepare the magic mask to fatten and increase the size of the face. In a bowl, put a well-mashed cucumber, then add a tablespoon of tomato and carrot juice. Wet your face and spread the mixture, then leave it for 10-15 minutes. Wash your face and repeat it once a week.


Vinegar and olive oil to increase the size of the cheeks and fatten the face


In a clean bottle, put 1/2 cup olive oil, then 1/4 cup vinegar, then the same amount of water. Start pouring the ingredients one by one. Then shake the bottle well. Daily in the evening, massage your face with the solution for 3 minutes. In the morning, wash your face with lukewarm water to get effective and immediate results, a plump face and full cheeks.

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